'Ghosting' spell usage on high ping.


New member
I play on EU from South Africa so my ping sits at around 180. For the most part its relatively playable though tracking is definitely a huge disadvantage. However, there is an incredibly annoying issue on this ping that I've noticed on Bebop but im sure exists in general. I can place my bomb on an enemy - the sound cue will go off and the spell will go on CD. Then a second later the bomb disappears from the enemy and the cooldown is removed. Its incredibly frustrating as there are so many moments where I want to get a bomb in and quickly get out/relocate... only for the bomb to not go off and the HP I traded to be worthless.

Nothing similar to this has ever happened with Dota on the same/worse ping with point-target spells. I would even be fine if it was more of a struggle to place the bomb to begin with as a result of the ping - but being duped into thinking you've placed it is awful. This happens like 30%/40% of the time I place a bomb.