Getting MM on Russian servers


New member
Recently i have started getting MM on Russian servers and i'm close to stopping the game until it's fixed.
I live in Denmark and should under no circumstances be on Russian servers. It is laggy and impossible to communicate and ruins the experience for everyone on the server.

Steam ID: 76561197967085191

Examples of matches:
Sweden, here, same, i did not experience this at all pre 10/10-24 patch. Really ruins the game when you team up with people only speaking Russian and you have no idea what the plan are since you can not communicate..
Same here, so tired of all these Swedish, Danish and Finnish people on my Russian servers. Ruins the whole experience for me.
I play with 2 other people, one is from the UK and the other from Lithuania while I am from Finland. MM still sends us to russian servers where nobody speaks english and everyone is toxic.
UK here, every game all I see is cyrillic text and Russian voice comms, not sure if something is bugged but it makes playing very difficult as can't communicate
Same here, Im from Poland and im getting full russian lobbies where nobody speaks or if speaks is speaking Russian. 22541529 this match is perfect example. Enemy team from countries like Turkey or Thailand (XD?) even from the US, while my team is full of Russians
It doesn't matter if the game server (according to the Steam overlay) is hosted in London, Stockholm or Helsinki. Almost every player in every match are from Russia or speak Russian. It is a pretty bad experience for everyone else. Feels just like CS and DotA.
which means they can very likely not be russian and just from the CIS.

Chat wheel is enoguh to communicate many things but because heroes have different names in different languages ( i think its bad, if i say dynamo or anything similar a brazilian russian and korean can get its dynamo even if said slightly different) but generally Go/Back/davai/LFG goes accross everyone, if you want them to understand your disertation on why you are right and that was bad i don't think that's the issue of the servers as you can have region locals that also dont speak english and that doesn't seam to a problem for some reason.

World events have made this more prevelant, because the server sees they are located in EU. Now does a brother from UA need to be called a russian because he uses a cyrilic language, you don't know but that probably tilts them off the earth and only hear the screams.

I've played all the valve games where you are very often paired with eastern europe bratans and I have foundthe same ammount of griefers and bonehead people in every region, people just pick the ones that can't defend or you can't understand as scapegoats, NAdota is peruvians (speak a spanish language = peru).

I believe the game does try to create games faster if it has players. they are working to make mm system better but right now the majority of people have low playtime nad come in with very different skill sets and expectations so the system when playerpool is lower (not peak times) they tend to go wider to get people. I see sometimes i am 1v1 with someone who hasn't done the tutorial, sometimes i get farmed. i have encountered people from eastern europe, played just the same, ping what you want what is down when you go who is low and keep moving.

Try to separate your bias and emotions towards who you are playing and tying to the result to what yo can do and what the gameplay can be better at.