Get in the match queue, watch a game, get banned.


New member
No match ID. The Steps involved:

  1. Join a game.
  2. While it's searching, click into watch a match.
  3. Pick a match and click on it.
Now, if the game matched you up, and you hit the Cancel button on the "we're connecting you to the stream and it will take 60 seconds" modal, the following things will happen.

It will not cancel, but will load the stream and that's all you can see. Somehow you'll be also in the game lobby. Because if you click "Leave Spectating" it will tell you, you can't leave without penalty. And then if you do leave, it will ban you, with no option to rejoin.

Steam ID is JB4.
Apparently now I can't watch either? I'm trying to watch ID 30753729 and it spins for 3 minutes or longer.

Or 30753846. Or 30753960.
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