General idea towards the current split push problems people are voicing


New member
I recently have seen some videos and people complaining about how the split soul reward system works during the laning phase of the game. I am unsure if it is an issue that the dev team feels the need to address, but I believe I have some ideas of how to potentially make it seem somewhat more fair to the team as a whole.

As it currently stands, you may freely jump between lanes and as long as there are only two people in the lane you will earn the full amount of souls between you. This is nice and all, however it can be heavily abused by having a duo lane push in their wave quickly and having one of them rush out towards a solo lane who is holding their wave. From there they will quickly destroy the minions and gain an exponential amount of souls more than if they had stayed in their own lane. This can and will rinse and repeat for the entirety of the ten minutes, allowing for people to get nearly 1 thousand souls in the first few moments of the game, far ahead of their peers without even needing to gain a kill.

Potential Solution:
Why not add a sort of delayed timer between lane swapping in terms of sharing souls? For instance, if one of these duo laners moved from their lane to a solo lane, for maybe 10-15 seconds they alone would earn diminished souls from minions. This way they would have to make a decision if splitting off from their duo lane simply to help that lane would be worth the time investment or focus more on getting a kill to gain return on that investment and it doesn't ruin the soul farm of the early game. This would also allow for other players who are not lane swapping to still earn as normal and to somewhat equalize the soul farming amongst everyone, aside from potentially earning more kills from these ganks of course. It also doesn't need to be that drastic of a time penalty but it is something to think about so that it doesn't dissuade players from freely moving around the map early on, but it doesn't allow them to so easily get an insane lead.
I recently have seen some videos and people complaining about how the split soul reward system works during the laning phase of the game. I am unsure if it is an issue that the dev team feels the need to address, but I believe I have some ideas of how to potentially make it seem somewhat more fair to the team as a whole.

As it currently stands, you may freely jump between lanes and as long as there are only two people in the lane you will earn the full amount of souls between you. This is nice and all, however it can be heavily abused by having a duo lane push in their wave quickly and having one of them rush out towards a solo lane who is holding their wave. From there they will quickly destroy the minions and gain an exponential amount of souls more than if they had stayed in their own lane. This can and will rinse and repeat for the entirety of the ten minutes, allowing for people to get nearly 1 thousand souls in the first few moments of the game, far ahead of their peers without even needing to gain a kill.

Potential Solution:
Why not add a sort of delayed timer between lane swapping in terms of sharing souls? For instance, if one of these duo laners moved from their lane to a solo lane, for maybe 10-15 seconds they alone would earn diminished souls from minions. This way they would have to make a decision if splitting off from their duo lane simply to help that lane would be worth the time investment or focus more on getting a kill to gain return on that investment and it doesn't ruin the soul farm of the early game. This would also allow for other players who are not lane swapping to still earn as normal and to somewhat equalize the soul farming amongst everyone, aside from potentially earning more kills from these ganks of course. It also doesn't need to be that drastic of a time penalty but it is something to think about so that it doesn't dissuade players from freely moving around the map early on, but it doesn't allow them to so easily get an insane lead.
Hey, if you wanna give feedback to the devs, you want the section. I'm sure they get inundated with feedback and bug reports, so I'm sure it would help you get eyes on your ideas if they're in the right section. Good luck!