gang medic (w/ concept art)


Active member
Без имени-3.pngAbilities can be tweaked here and there, but the idea of a wraith like hero, with the ability to heal with dealing damage (possibly higher risk-reward), death protection ability which migh be helpful to take revenage, prolongue combo for someone whos being focused and might die. And burst delayed dmg abilitie, something like vendictas sniper shot in mind, but acting like a "curse" it might get bonuses from T1,2,3 for a greater result, possibly being useful to avoid dmg mitigation etc. Ult is just a fun (or not so for the enemy) semi cc maybe for escape/enagagement.
Back alley surgeon sounds great, I think giving him some sort of aoe would be good (maybe on hid 3rd ability? when it expires it could deal dmg to everyone around the player affected) and since he's a back alley surgeon, I suggest you give his ult (love the name) a bleed that dmgs the enemy the more they move (akin to bloodseeker's ult) which I think would fit perfectly as I dont think this fella knows how to perform an actual clean lobotomy xd
Back alley surgeon sounds great, I think giving him some sort of aoe would be good (maybe on hid 3rd ability? when it expires it could deal dmg to everyone around the player affected) and since he's a back alley surgeon, I suggest you give his ult (love the name) a bleed that dmgs the enemy the more they move (akin to bloodseeker's ult) which I think would fit perfectly as I dont think this fella knows how to perform an actual clean lobotomy xd
These are really cool ideas, which close up some of his possible weaknesses. The ult damage element is really cool, it can also be upgraded through tier upgrades with a stun or a silence. Also, love the aoe idea, see it working with all abilities. 3rd ability - as you said or maybe having an aura that deals tick damage. 1st ability could do aoe on a burst? 2nd ability aoe - risking some of an ally hp and possibly jeopardize it with a next hp regain with aoe. Kind of have to decide which is better.
These are really cool ideas, which close up some of his possible weaknesses. The ult damage element is really cool, it can also be upgraded through tier upgrades with a stun or a silence. Also, love the aoe idea, see it working with all abilities. 3rd ability - as you said or maybe having an aura that deals tick damage. 1st ability could do aoe on a burst? 2nd ability aoe - risking some of an ally hp and possibly jeopardize it with a next hp regain with aoe. Kind of have to decide which is better.
These all sound really good! I think though the first ability might be the best off with an aoe, especially if it worked by having all the dmg dealt to the target become delayed, until the end of the duration when it all goes out as an aoe around the target, damaging both them and anyone around them. Also a bit of a nitpick but every time you post a new kit I always forget that the first ability isn't the firing type of the character (IE Mouse 1) and so I kinda gloss over it, drawing is hard so I wouldnt ask you to make an icon for it, but maybe a small sentence at the top that describes their basic attack? Thatd be nice I think