gameplay ( removing stealing souls or nerfing time to steal , because current time is to high its like 5 seconds)


New member
i suggest removing stealing souls for a better gameplay removing mechanic that is just annoying and it has no place in a game because its just not fair to every player its just contribute to better players , even more in this type of game that souls is basically the only things that matter getting and if you take in account that more souls = stronger and that better players have better builds because they spend hours/day in this game its just stupid , casual players just want to play are in disadvantage because they get less souls and have worse builds or less understating.
The only thing that they made right in this game was the part were we can browse build , choose builds inside the game , but steel many people dont fully understand each build that is there.
or at least nerf it and leave just a small window in which they are able to steal the souls like 1 second , the current time must be like 5 seconds its absurd.
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i suggest removing stealing souls for a better casual gameplay removing mechanic that is just annoying and it has no place in a game because its just not fair to every player its just contribute to better players , even more in this type of game that souls is basically the only things that matter getting and if you take in account that more souls = stronger and that better players have better builds because they spend hours/day in this game its just stupid , casual players just want to play are in disadvantage because they get less souls and have worse builds or less understating.
The only thing that they made right in this game was the part were we can browse build , choose builds inside the game , but steel many people dont fully understand each build that is there.
or at least nerf it and leave just a small window in which they are able to steal the souls like 1 second , the current time must be like 5 seconds its absurd.

I stopped reading after you used the word "casual" to describe a competitive game. No one plays competitive games "casually".
Stealing souls is the core mechanic in Deadlock and it should stay, it gives you the incentive to actively deny souls and not just go for the kills in the early game. If you are remotely good in aiming then you should easily put your enemy at an disadvantage. Plus its a saving throw for when you are being pushed back. Removing soul denying would be one of the worst changes there could ever be.
Stealing souls is the core mechanic in Deadlock and it should stay, it gives you the incentive to actively deny souls and not just go for the kills in the early game. If you are remotely good in aiming then you should easily put your enemy at an disadvantage. Plus its a saving throw for when you are being pushed back. Removing soul denying would be one of the worst changes there could ever be.
you right but the time is a bit too much