General feedback and brainstorm of ideas or things I would like to see in future iterations.
A. Increase spawn cooldown of slot machines by 1-2 minutes, scale loot reward accordingly. Farming these can really feel like a grind.
B. Many MOBAs have a button you can push to make all friendly structures invulnerable for a short duration of time. If introduced to Deadlock this feature could end up making games far too long, so it should have a very short duration (5-10 seconds) and a high cooldown (5+ minutes) but it would add to the strategy and dynamic feel of the end game.
C. Better socials. Some way to add players to a group so if you meet randos you get along with, you can squad up. Alternatively, adding a post-game chat function would allow players to communicate and exchange socials after the match ends.
A. Increase spawn cooldown of slot machines by 1-2 minutes, scale loot reward accordingly. Farming these can really feel like a grind.
B. Many MOBAs have a button you can push to make all friendly structures invulnerable for a short duration of time. If introduced to Deadlock this feature could end up making games far too long, so it should have a very short duration (5-10 seconds) and a high cooldown (5+ minutes) but it would add to the strategy and dynamic feel of the end game.
C. Better socials. Some way to add players to a group so if you meet randos you get along with, you can squad up. Alternatively, adding a post-game chat function would allow players to communicate and exchange socials after the match ends.