Gameplay ideas


New member
General feedback and brainstorm of ideas or things I would like to see in future iterations.

A. Increase spawn cooldown of slot machines by 1-2 minutes, scale loot reward accordingly. Farming these can really feel like a grind.
B. Many MOBAs have a button you can push to make all friendly structures invulnerable for a short duration of time. If introduced to Deadlock this feature could end up making games far too long, so it should have a very short duration (5-10 seconds) and a high cooldown (5+ minutes) but it would add to the strategy and dynamic feel of the end game.
C. Better socials. Some way to add players to a group so if you meet randos you get along with, you can squad up. Alternatively, adding a post-game chat function would allow players to communicate and exchange socials after the match ends.
A.) I agree, the Souls from the Sinner's Sacrifice machines doesn't seem to scale up, and they should. The bonus Gold urn buff at the end is insufficient in most cases.

b.) The game kind of already has that, your Zipline Boost. If you can get to a structure getting taken down you should be able to defend it. That said, there should be some kind of bonus resist applied to Guardians and Walkers when players are zipping to that objective.

C.) Post game chat is, more often than not, used for Bad manners and griefing either teammates or the enemy team. I wouldn't say no to some improved social functions, but the game does show the player steam ID after the match of who played what so it's not too difficult to send a friend invite and use the built in Steam tools for that. I wouldn't put that as a Priority.

All of that said, this is the Item suggestion board, not Gameplay Feedback. This kind of topic should go into Gameplay Feedback or another similar board, not here.
Many MOBAs have a button you can push to make all friendly structures invulnerable for a short duration of time. If introduced to Deadlock this feature could end up making games far too long, so it should have a very short duration (5-10 seconds) and a high cooldown (5+ minutes) but it would add to the strategy and dynamic feel of the end game.
Most mobas don't have this ability, so it's pretty much exclusive to dota. Games already last way too long currently, they don't need features that would drag out games even longer.