Game Server Crashed. Now Stuck In Low Matchmaking


New member
As the title suggest, I was in the middle of a match, and it abruptly ended. The game was over do to sever disconnection however I was being told by the game that it is unsafe to leave. I waited for at least 30 minutes to be told it was safe to leave (even though the match was over with) and I decided to leave anyway. Now I'm in stuck in Low Priority Matchmaking waiting on these matches which seem abnormally longer than the last LPMM I was in. So wondering if that's any kinda of bug that's happening there.
As the title suggest, I was in the middle of a match, and it abruptly ended. The game was over do to sever disconnection however I was being told by the game that it is unsafe to leave. I waited for at least 30 minutes to be told it was safe to leave (even though the match was over with) and I decided to leave anyway. Now I'm in stuck in Low Priority Matchmaking waiting on these matches which seem abnormally longer than the last LPMM I was in. So wondering if that's any kinda of bug that's happening there.
This can be an individual problem for everyone. Just play more stable games and you will have to return to the normal search mode. When I tested vulkan, I was often crashed in the game. So I also dropped to the bottom of the search. But after a couple of games, everything became as before, I will say more - the opponents became stronger.