Game/PC crash


New member
i recently joined the game and ever since while playing the game, my pc/game keeps crashing mid match.
The screen turns black and the monitor says no signal, but i can still hear the game and apps in the backround.
This only happens in this game and i havent experienced it before. I tried running it in fullscreen, bordeles and switching betwen dx11 and vulkan...
i uninstaled and reinstaled and verified the files.
my pc specs:
amd ryzen 7 2700x
16 gb ram
nvidia RTX 3060ti
yeah i have the exact same issue, tried the same things you did with no luck. i did notice for me however it only ever happens either in my base, enemy base after dying, or when buying from a shop, never happened elsewhere. majority of the time it crashes while dead.
Sometimes I go 3-4 games without it happening. Other times it crashes 3x per game. I’ve tried dx11, vulkan, fullscreen, borderless, lower graphics, undervolting my gpu, reinstalling, lower resolution instead of 3440x1440. Nothing seems to fix it and it can happen anywhere. Has happened in base, enemy base, alive, dead, mid boss, lane phase..

It doesn’t make any logs because it’s not a true “crash”.

I am positive it’s not PSU or temp related and i have seen a ton of these reports from others on this forum.