Game Froze on me mid match


New member
As the title says the game froze during the middle of the game but it didn't boot me out, it just stayed frozen at this screen like this for the remainder. Time is 36:58 and match ID is 2197775.

This happened to me as well and I was also playing Vindicta. I took a recording before just closing the game. Sorry team :(
Hey, I've just had the same problem while playing as Vindicta. Is this somehow related to this character or just coincidence? Also apologies to my team!

EDIT: just checked out other threads that it happened to people playing other characters too
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Also: it would be really useful if there was a possibility to rejoin a match when something like this happens.
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Same thing happened to me, also while playing vindicta. I was able to move, but my screen showed that i was stuck.
Match id:7963543 at 18:45
This exact same thing happened to me in three matches in a row. This is also what the console looked like if that helps.


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Same happend to me as well while playing Pocket. Also, Pockets Teleport wasn't working. I took some recordings but its basically like the others said here.
Match ID 11736556
Chiming in to say this happened to me as well. Seems like it happens every other match I play now. At some point my character will just freeze, but I can hear the rest of the game continuing around me. I can see the kill feed on the left side of the screen, and i can hover my abilities, but I can't move or do anything. If I try to leave it says I'll get a penalty, so I just stand there and wait for the game to end.

Match IDs:
  • 15170963
  • 13167421
  • 12230551
This happened to me too.
Game froze, announcer kept going, I couldn't do anything but I could move the camera around and look around. The minions were stuck in place and I was stuck in place too.
same thing has happened to me twice :/ had to leave both games hope they fix this asap its so cringe