Game crashing and disconnecting monitors

Hi, I'm having a problem where the game crashes ussually in the mid or late game, in most games and all my monitor disconect. On windows it also kills other programs (i dont hear audio over discord, or youtube video anymore) but on linux I can still hear youtube (game audio is gone tho). I checked the event viewer for system logs to see if it reports something, and I only see the message from me force shuting down the pc with the power button. I am able to reconnect to the game after reboot.

This doesnt happen with any other games, so I don't think it's my pc. Also i saw a post on reddit detailing a basiclly identical problem:

My specs are:
CPU: ryzen 5 3600
RAM: 16GB 3200Mhz
GPU: RTX 3060 Ti
OS: Windows 11 & Fedora 40

I cant attach additional logs if needed