Game Crashes As Soon As I Try To Get Into Gameplay


New member
Game crashes as soon as I try to go into any Play Mode. The Game loads, shows the character for a second and then closes.
See attached Video.

OS: Debian 12
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3600
GPU:AMD Radeon 6700XT
Everything is up to date.
Steam is native installed and Deadlock is installed on the same drive as Steam.
Tried a lot of different graphic settings.


On Void Linux here. Had the same problem, fixed it with the command in the post above this. Except the -w flag is redundant: You can just do # sysctl vm.max_map_count=1048576 or whatever.

(I don't know who needs to hear this, but you should always check the man page for a given command to see what the arguments you're passing it actually do if you aren't sure - especially if it's some random command off the internet that you're copy/pasting.)

(If you don't know about man pages, that's $ man sysctl in this case, or $ man whatever to look up info on whatever. You can scroll down and up with j and k, search with / to quickly go to the information you actually need, and close the page with q. For the sysctl command, this will inform you that the -w flag just tells it to treat everything you give it as a write argument - but the vm.max_map_count=1048576 already is a write argument, so there's no point.)