Game consistently crashes when in party with a certain friend


New member
The game consistently crashes either for me or my friend on steam when we are in a party together, not allowing us to use party chat. This happens when its just us two or even in a party of 5. Most of the time the game will crash while we are searching for a match, but it will also crash when we enter the game within the first couple of minutes of gameplay which leads to us constantly having to pause while the other restarts their client.

Please let me know what information you need to help figure this out, he has tried reinstalling his client multiple times and my client never crashes when I party with anyone else.
This also happens to me whenever I try queuing up for a game with one, and only one specific steam user. There have been occasions where other steam users have crashed while also in the party, but those times are few to none. Most of the time its always only the one user and I crashing, either one after the other, or simultaneously while queuing.
This happens to me as well. Usually during the early laning phase I will crash once per game only if I'm partied with a steam friend. Once the crash happens, it kicks me out of the party so I'm fine the rest of the match, but I will have to rejoin party to queue up again.