Frozen in place


New member
Playing warden and 3:36 in, my game froze while the game continued on. Characters who were in front of me were frozen as well for a few minutes, they later disappeared. I could still here sound effects cross map, and see the kill feed as it filled the left side of my screen. Bullets would fly around the characters in front of me for a while, later I died but nothing changed. In yellow lane with a paradox if that matters. Game ID 1516926


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I might have encountered the same issue as you, was playing Infernus and at around 9:44 into the match the game seemed to be completely frozen yet I still got updates on the UI (like kill-feed) and normal audio queues. Only thing I was capable of doing was turning my camera around. GameID:1534587

Recorded some of it briefly on OBS, should be attached to this reply


