Flynt Westwood and Rick the Hand! (Hero kit, sadly no art)


New member
Every game needs a cowboy, so here's Flynt!

Flynt and Rick were the most famous gunslinger duo in the whole Wild West. They were famous for killing every wraith they saw, no matter how high it could fly. Until they met Ripper's crew near Blackwater, all of whom indulged in black wraith magic. Ripper managed to gravely wound Rick, and before Flynt was able to finish the last one of his boys off, he cursed Rick to be the "guiding hand of Flynt to death". Litteraly. Rick was transformed into a wraith arm, which attached to Flynt, and Flynt was cursed to live forever as a 25 year old man.
For so long out of their time and out of their depth, Flynt and Rick finaly found themselves in the right place *and* at the right time during NYC summoning battles. Now, armed with countless years of sharpshooting, Flynt and Rick are strapping on their toolbelts (yes, Rick had a separate one) and getting their hands (or hand) dirty.

Visual definition: Flynt is a young man, which looks kinda like Clint Eastwood (hence the name) and McCree (or is he Cassidy now?) from Overwatch, but unlike Eastwood is quite short. He has a green (same color and texture as souls in the game) arm sticking out of his shoulder -- that's Rick. He wears a poncho, cowboy hat, and has 3 holsters, one on each hip, one of them is empty (gun is in his hand), and a third one on his chest (it's Rick's holster). Rick, as an arm, also wears a cowboy hat (it's tied around his forearm) and a small poncho. From behind the hero looks like he has 2 heads, from the front he is a bit menacing with a third arm of soul material sticking out of him.
His weapon of choice is (or I guess are, since he has 3 of those) Heavy Revolver, like may be Ash-12 (pic 1, source: Escape From tarkov) or The Last Word (pic 2, soure: Destiny and Destiny 2), which he holds in his left hand, and keeps in on his right hip (he draws from the opposite hip).

source: Escape From Tarkovsource: Destiny and Destiny 2

Flair and voice lines: Flynt mostly talks to Rick, who responds to him using sounds, which are kinda similar to the sounds Io makes from Dota 2. He also uses a lot of idioms with word "hand", to which Rick sighs in his beeps all the time.

Kit: Weapon -- Revolver, 6 size magazine, high damage and high headshot damage, increased distance (if we compare it to Seven's burst rifle for example), low fire rate. Dash -- he flips on his third arm.

1 Skill: Get'Em Up! -- Rick conjures spectral lasso, which he tosses towards the enemy, stuns them for 0.5 seconds and springs to toss 'em up high. Heroes can't dash while airborne from this skill, have reduced air control and fall down slowly. Cooldown of 30 seconds.

  1. T1 -- Adds 1 charge.
  2. T2 -- -15 seconds of cooldown
  3. T3 -- Removes cooldown between charges.
2 Skill: A Helping *Hand* -- Rick reloads Flynt's main hand weapon with spirit bullets, which deal spirit damage in addition to bullet damage. Cooldown of 45 seconds.
  1. T1 -- Increased fire rate by 15%.
  2. T2 -- Hits with revolver while using helping hand are reducing spirit and buller resistance by 20% (does not stack).
  3. T3 -- -25s cooldown.

3 Skill: Knock'em Down! -- Passive. Flynt deals 10% more bullet damage to airborne enemies.
  1. T1 -- Hits from Revolver reduce fall speed and air control (does not affect air control from abilities)
  2. T2 -- Enemies, which were send airborne from Get 'em Up! also recieve 20 spirit damage from each hit.
  3. T3 -- Flynt gets bullet lifesteal when shooting airborne enemies
4 Skill: For Old Times Sake! -- Rick takes third gun from Flynt's chest and loads it with spirit bullets. For 4.5 seconds Flynt and Rick have perfect aim towards any hero's head in 75m radius. Using "aim" command (Mouse2) cycles targets. Flynt and Rick also have their movespeed slowed by 10%, fire rate reduced by 50% and they can't dash during For Old Time's Sake! . Each "fire" input (Mouse1) fires both guns at once. If A Helping *Hand* was used before this skill, buffs from it persist. Cooldown of 90 seconds.
  1. T1 -- +1.5s duration.
  2. T2 -- -30s cooldwon.
  3. T3 -- +1 Hand (Flynt uses his right arm to also shoot the last revolved from his left hip).
Patron's words to Flynt during the start: "May be this is no Wild West, but you will be back in your element, Flynt... And Rick, yes"

Let me know what you guys think!
Actually sounds very cool, would like to see this implemented! It's hard to get the character 'feel' and design through text, but yeah, sounds good.