Flicker, The Unrememberable


New member
Taking on a personal request, Flicker (Which was just a silly codename at the time) noticed an item like no other. Layers apon layers of security protected it, and even though it was safely housed in one of the largest collections of occult relics the information on it was scarce. Thinking it must be some ancient object which would grant unimaginable power he concocted a perfect plan. Easily one of his best. He was going to go in, blow up all of the layers of security with hilarious amounts of explosive and run. Whatever this thing was it could stop a few lousy guards.

And so it did. Grabbing the object it quickly latched itself onto his face. Not a particularly comfortable thing but at least it had eyeholes. Feeling the thrill, he sprinted around corners and prepared to use whatever powers this thing had given him.
But nobody came. The alarms were turned off, and the previously recorded breakin was deemed a prank.
Not particularly concerned about all of this because weirder things have certainly happened Flicker decided to meet up with his dealer to find out what the thing was, however the usual guy didn't recognise them. Infact, nobody did.
Flicker, apon figuring out what it did, went on a bit of a stealing spree, grabbing all the things he only dreamed of. The real powerful stuff. But what was the point of all this power when nobody knew you? It was hard to get paid, nobody even knew what these things were. Once at the top of the world, he was treated like a beggar selling rubbish. No fame, No riches, just the feeling of being alone.

Memory Dredge: (This is his gun)
Shoots twice at a location, the second shot consists of two bullets. Uses 3 ammo per use. 21 base ammo. Should deal fairly good damage, as the other abilities are more effect-based than damage based. The gun should be medium-long range.
His actual base stats should be fairly low on the health, since he's longer range and doesn't really want to go in. Should have a decent movespeed to get around and really confuse the enemy though.

Ability 1 - Rememberance
Flicker fires a powerful shot, dealing damage. If this shot hits the head, the duration and damage are extended, and a small stun is added.
Charges: 1
Damage: 35-ish (0.5 Scaling)
Bonus Damage: 25 (0.5 Scaling)
Stun Duration: 0.3s
Cooldown: 17s
This is just a small little nuke, fairly simple ability. The stun also lets you hit the doubleshot from your M1

Upgrade 1: +30 Bonus Damage.
Upgrade 2: +1 Charges, -3s Cooldown
Upgrade 3: Gain vision of the target for 4s on headshot.

Ability 2 - Plain Sight
Passive - Hides updates for networth, healthbar and items when out of sight.
Can be activated to prevent targets from seeing Flicker when out of a certain range. This counts as being out of sight. Provides health regeneration while active.
Cooldown: 35s
Duration: 4s
Size: 25m (-0.1m Scaling)
Regeneration: 15 (0.4 Scaling)

Upgrade 1: -15s Cooldown
Upgrade 2: Provides 100% Healing Reduction Resistance while active
Upgrade 3: Regenerate an additional 1.5% of maximum health while active.

Ability 3 - Decoy
Turns an allied creep into a copy of Flicker. Damage the copy deals is temporary. The target will shoot at the closest target, or whatever the last target Flicker shot if they're in range. Decoy visually looks like Flicker. Damage is healed back over time, and can be reduced by healing reduction.
Cooldown: 25s
Damage Duration: 6s (0.08 Scaling)
Duration: 6s (0.08 Scaling)
Decoy Damage Taken: 250%

Upgrade 1: Decoy can be self-cast. Decoys made this way will run down the nearest lane.
Upgrade 2: 35% of Decoy's damage becomes permanent damage.
Upgrade 3: +1 Charges, -10s Cooldown. Allows Decoy to recieve charge-based bonuses.

Ultimate Ability - Obfuscation
Passive - When out of sight, Flicker will visually appear on the map. Shows on an ally first, if no allies are visible then he will show on a creep wave.
When activated, Flicker can target an ally to teleport to them. This ability can only be used when out of sight for 5s. After teleporting, gain shields, firerate and spirit power for a duration.
Cooldown: 50s
Bullet/Spirit Shield: 300 (2 Scaling)
Firerate Bonus: 30% (0.4 Scaling)
Spirit Bonus: 30 (0.4 Scaling)
Buff Duration: 10s

Upgrade 1: When out of vision for 5s, debuffs expire 2x quicker.
Upgrade 2: The ally you teleport to also gains bonuses.
Upgrade 3: +10s Buff Duration.

Now, the idea of the gameplan of this character is mostly gun-focused (Though, the spirit scaling is quite nice, I still don't think they should be high enough to build around and just should give him a way to use spirit) and loves to push waves, join ganks and just generally be annoying. Very much like a Spectre or NP. But with the added stealthiness of Riki. He also messes with some of the meta mechanics, which is also pretty funny.
There are definitely some cool ideas, my favorite being that you appear on the minimap while not revealed. That's quite interesting. I have this thought where I feel that hiding item information would be better for the game. I understand the argument for why that information should be there, but personally I feel that play would benefit from having to guess what items your enemies have equipped. I think the biggest problem with the kit as you've laid it out is that it's really difficult to get a real value advantage out of using some of Flicker's abilities.
There are definitely some cool ideas, my favorite being that you appear on the minimap while not revealed. That's quite interesting. I have this thought where I feel that hiding item information would be better for the game. I understand the argument for why that information should be there, but personally I feel that play would benefit from having to guess what items your enemies have equipped. I think the biggest problem with the kit as you've laid it out is that it's really difficult to get a real value advantage out of using some of Flicker's abilities.
I don't think you should guess what items they have, moreso just not being able to know without seeing them visually.
And yeah, the abilities are kind of difficult. It was built around the ult just teleporting to an ally and quickly getting somebody, and he can really only push waves to farm. I dont think it's an issue though.
Mostly just worried about running out of damage.