Fire Rate -> Damage


I'm a complete and utter newbie to MOBAs, but one thing I've noticed as a former TF2 player is that I like characters with slow-firing weapons and I dislike receiving fire-rate buffs.

1. I would personally like an item that prevents you from getting fire-rate buffs and gives you a bullet damage buff instead whenever you would normally get a fire-rate buff. This may or may not apply in the inverse for fire-rate debuffs as well.

2. Another item that I would like would be one that increases your innate bullet damage with the downside of lowering your fire rate.

Alternatively, the upside to these two items could be a reload speed buff in substitute of the bullet damage bonus. I'm not sure if that would be more balanced than a bullet damage increase, I'm just throwing out another idea. Either way, I like me a weapon with a decent delay.
the second idea is really nice, but the first one could be really confusing

like, does it apply to wraiths full auto? in which case it would be really good, and a lot of other combat upgrades can get you a ton of firing speed. i feel like it would be too confusing for new players to know which things can convert to damage and which cant. and its not like you can make it universal because then it would be busted
the second idea is really nice, but the first one could be really confusing

like, does it apply to wraiths full auto? in which case it would be really good, and a lot of other combat upgrades can get you a ton of firing speed. i feel like it would be too confusing for new players to know which things can convert to damage and which cant. and its not like you can make it universal because then it would be busted
yeah, for the first idea, I was thinking universal, so it'd apply to ivy's ability, wraith's ability, etc. maybe it wouldn't apply to items since you could simply intentionally not get those items, but for hero abilities, fire rate increases aren't avoidable when your teammates grant you them. I am worried that it would be busted, I'm just not sure how else to solve this issue I have of me personally not wanting those kinds of buffs. and again, I'm wondering if maybe lowering the reload speed instead of the fire-rate could be more balanced than increasing the damage instead of the fire-rate.

the second idea I could settle for though because it'd increase the amount of heros I'd wanna play as, since I only wanna play heros below a certain fire-rate and there are a few heroes that are just a little bit too fast-firing for me.