Fire Rate buffs being significantly weaker on burst fire characters compared to single shot characters. (Videos inside).


New member
(Posted originally under gameplay, but I realize this is probably more of a bug / oversight rather than anything else).

It appears that +Fire Rate may only be impacting the time between bursts for burst fire heroes, rather than speeding up their overall DPS by the fire rate number.

I've included a few videos below: - Paradox no fire rate buffs Paradox with fire rate buffs - Warden no fire rate buffs Warden with fire rate buffs.

If you look at the videos above, and compare by total damage bonus at time stamp, you can see that Warden is essentially getting the listed dps bonus of the fire rate buff, but Paradox is not.

I did a quick look at Lash, and it appeared that Lash was suffering from the same issue. Which leads me to believe that it's likely any hero which has a burst fire animation as their main attack is suffering from the same issue of fire rate not giving them the same benefit as a single shot hero.

As a result of the above, items like shadow weave are significantly less attractive on heroes like Paradox until this is fixed.