Fast rotating between lanes before 10 minutes gives double souls to the roamer


New member
This is something we have just recently seen begin to develop within community-run tournaments. Due to the fact that ALL lanes duplicate souls given between up to two players within them before the 10 minute mark, having one person from each duo lane on each side of the map roam between waves from lane to lane will grant them an unnaturally large amount of souls/minute. I am not sure if this was an intended direction for the game to go in, or just an unintended consequence, however it limits the skill expression of individual players and will cause the competitve/ranked scene to entirely rely on this strat for wins. Below is linked a video for any devs or individuals curious that explains this mechanic/bug further and the potential implications of it.

As far as solutions to this bug are concerned, I see two possibilities. Firstly, make it so that ONLY the duo lanes provide duplicated souls to its occupants. Thus if green and purple are the duo lanes, someone roaming into yellow, a solo lane, would cause the souls from that lane to behave as though it were after the 10 minute mark, dividing them between players rather than doubling the souls gained. I would consider this to be the best and most easily implementable solution. However, another possibility could be to separate the two duo lanes from the solos using the middle of the map. Having the lanes always spawn with a 1-1-2-2 or 2-2-1-1 format and slightly increasing the width of mid, the time it would take for a player the duo lane to cross mid to grab wave profits from the neighboring solo lane would prove too long to then return back to their lane and reap enough yield to make the push worthwhile. However, this would also nearly completely negate gank potential on the 1-1 side of the map and thus I see the former as the right way to move forward.

Anyways I hope this reaches the right people that the future competitive scene might be saved from an unintended mechanic causing significant loss of skill expression.
Great post, I hope the devs take notice because I'm really not looking forward to this becoming the meta in pubs if it catches on and continues to be unchanged.
As far as solutions to this bug are concerned, I see two possibilities. Firstly, make it so that ONLY the duo lanes provide duplicated souls to its occupants. Thus if green and purple are the duo lanes, someone roaming into yellow, a solo lane, would cause the souls from that lane to behave as though it were after the 10 minute mark,
If I understand this correctly, what happens if the players swap lanes early, because they dont like the matchup for example -> they will be on the wrong lane and will get punished for that?
If I understand this correctly, what happens if the players swap lanes early, because they dont like the matchup for example -> they will be on the wrong lane and will get punished for that?
If it's Lane Y(Yellow), G(Green), B(Blue), P(Purple), and let's say G and B are the duo lanes (locked in) and a player in lane P like a Haze doesn't want to lane against an Infernus and then swaps with someone in G or B. It's the same results. Lane G and B are locked in to sharing souls between two players. The players/heroes themselves aren't the ones locked in; So in other words, it wouldn't punish the players for swapping lanes.
There is a fix dropped. And its a duck tape. Why its now a some gimmick mechanic with "4 creeps per wave" ? Can i now roam? How i should roam? Is this game already have a rule that u cannot roam till lane phase? So no meta or role creation?
What about if my ally got dead and i could catch his big wave so our team doesnt lose networth, but now its almost meaningless and pointless... or even bad?
This fix too kludge, its not clear. Its cuffe a hands
What about if my ally got dead and i could catch his big wave so our team doesnt lose networth, but now its almost meaningless and pointless... or even bad?
If you're in a duo lane on Blue, and your solo ally dies on Purple, you can leave your lane and grab the Purple wave. Your lane partner will get 4 creeps from Blue. You will get 4 creeps from Purple, as long as you're not near the Blue creeps when they die.

There is no "big wave." Every wave has 4 creeps. A double wave is two waves, so you can get 8 creeps from it.
Guys..... just make it so that souls are split not duplicated. Just like every other MOBA.
the fact that the first 10 mins all souls are shared for the players in a lane is weird.
Whoever last hits on the trooper get the last hit credit.
Secure soul orbs split them equally to all team members on the lane.....
I was giving suggest that double lane should have x1.5 or x2 souls and split even between player. Even if there is going on sharing or swaping lanes, souls as a resource going to be fixed, and not created from air.
Guys..... just make it so that souls are split not duplicated. Just like every other MOBA.
the fact that the first 10 mins all souls are shared for the players in a lane is weird.
Whoever last hits on the trooper get the last hit credit.
Secure soul orbs split them equally to all team members on the lane.....
Yeah cool, let's have everyone bicker about getting solo lane like they do mid lane in dota. And in the duo lanes let's just have the supports harass from outside of soul acquisition range. Sounds great.
Yeah cool, let's have everyone bicker about getting solo lane like they do mid lane in dota. And in the duo lanes let's just have the supports harass from outside of soul acquisition range. Sounds great.
It is. You have an opposite team with same dilemma and how you as a team will resolve farm issue and prio for a win.
Your solution is better imo. If you make the two middle lanes grant double souls, and then split the souls instead of sharing them, it would give more freedom of allocation.

I just don't think solo lanes should grant twice the souls per player.