Fakeout, additional movement type, 1250 weapon


Active member
+10% weapon damage
+5 Spirit
Cooldown 10 seconds
After dashing forward you may immediately dash backwards at no energy cost. Doing so will leave the image of you in the spot you had dashed forward and will render you invisible for 1 second.
After performing a fakeout you have +12 Spirit and +20% weapon damage for 3 seconds.
Phantom Lancers aghanim shard from dota 2 :) . Might be a little awkward to use, especially since invisibility in this game is auto detected when near enemies, so unless you make this item an exception i don`t see any way to use it.
Phantom Lancers aghanim shard from dota 2 :) . Might be a little awkward to use, especially since invisibility in this game is auto detected when near enemies, so unless you make this item an exception i don`t see any way to use it.
The silhouette is fine. The point is that there is a fake image of you and they might not notice your real silhouette.