Fairfax .38

Before the item description, a little name context. The Sedgley OSS .38 was effectively a small pistol attached to a glove, to be used for like, assassinations during WW2. Pretty sure it was in Inglorious Bastards. I figure Fairfax would be all over any sort of technology like that in this universe, and despite not seemingly being any Great War or WW2, technology would still develop. I understand the name kind of shirks Deadlocks other item name conventions, so as a backup, I think something befitting its stunning nature like “Haymaker”, would be fine, though IMO less cool.

T4 Weapon item, upgrades from T2 Melee Charge

- +25% Weapon Damage
- +200 Health
- 40% Heavy Melee Distance

Your next Heavy Melee attack against an enemy deals increased damage, stuns, and either reloads your weapon weapon instantly or gives you up to +100% bonus ammo.
Only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full.
35% Bonus Melee Damage on proc
1 Second Stun
16 Second Cooldown
Stun Pierces Debuff Immunity/Unstoppable (whatever the official term is)

Another Dota item being ported to Deadlock, this time its Abyssal. I think the game could use some sort of way to be able to deal with Unstoppable, though I think it needs to both be something more unique to Deadlock, and also still put the user in some measure of risk. Making it melee does both, especially against those Unstoppable Ulting carries.
That's... a lot of stunning since it's a short CD. Since it pierces Unstoppable, that basically means that no really strong channeled ults will ever get off.

I'm just imagining someone like Calico with this and it would be MONSTROUS since she also frequently picks up Warp stone so basically nowhere is safe to ult for a Seven, a Bebop, or a Haze.

I think the stun either shouldn't pierce Unstoppable (since Curse exists to prevent unstoppables) or it should be on a longer CD.
That's... a lot of stunning since it's a short CD. Since it pierces Unstoppable, that basically means that no really strong channeled ults will ever get off.

I'm just imagining someone like Calico with this and it would be MONSTROUS since she also frequently picks up Warp stone so basically nowhere is safe to ult for a Seven, a Bebop, or a Haze.

I think the stun either shouldn't pierce Unstoppable (since Curse exists to prevent unstoppables) or it should be on a longer CD.
I get that it’s a short cooldown for the stun, and I do think that given it’s more intended to be an interrupt and not a super hard CC itself, the stun could be a lower duration, but I also don’t know if any items have their passive or active effects get a *longer* cooldown when upgraded to a better item? So I don’t know if making it longer than every 16 seconds is really in the cards. Also consider: That’s Calico spending over 10k souls to shut down a single ult, and the person ulting could just parry her very obvious charged melee and kill her anyways. Like, yeah she cancels the ult either way, but she dies to do it too.
I get that it’s a short cooldown for the stun, and I do think that given it’s more intended to be an interrupt and not a super hard CC itself, the stun could be a lower duration, but I also don’t know if any items have their passive or active effects get a *longer* cooldown when upgraded to a better item? So I don’t know if making it longer than every 16 seconds is really in the cards. Also consider: That’s Calico spending over 10k souls to shut down a single ult, and the person ulting could just parry her very obvious charged melee and kill her anyways. Like, yeah she cancels the ult either way, but she dies to do it too.
The Warp Stone is actually very useful in general for Calico, so she's getting a lot more out of that than just canceling a single Ult. Add to that the fact that she already has a very small ammo capacity Heavy Melee increases her melee damage (which applies to her Leaping Slash too) and this would naturally be probably her first t4 item in most matches.

She also has her OWN ult which allows her to dodge other stuff and help her get away (which if she hit her leaping slash then she will be able to get away pretty quickly) she probably won't be dead if she's just rushing in to cancel a big ult.

Other heroes, like Abrams, will get a ton of stunlock potential out of this because they already pick up Heavy Melee.

I know it's a 6k Upgrade, and I could see it as being an option but I'm not really sold on the item. Curse already exists to prevent things like Unstoppable+Ult Combos.

Also, this item would be ULTRA broken on Viscous. Puddle Punch becomes a Heavy Melee with his 5p Upgrade, so he could just go around interrupting big ults with long distance punches and basically not suffer any of the intended drawbacks of the item.
I think the stun would have to be a ministun (0.1 seconds) and would probably have to be on a character based CD like improved burst, at like 30 seconds if not higher CD
The Warp Stone is actually very useful in general for Calico, so she's getting a lot more out of that than just canceling a single Ult. Add to that the fact that she already has a very small ammo capacity Heavy Melee increases her melee damage (which applies to her Leaping Slash too) and this would naturally be probably her first t4 item in most matches.

She also has her OWN ult which allows her to dodge other stuff and help her get away (which if she hit her leaping slash then she will be able to get away pretty quickly) she probably won't be dead if she's just rushing in to cancel a big ult.

Other heroes, like Abrams, will get a ton of stunlock potential out of this because they already pick up Heavy Melee.

I know it's a 6k Upgrade, and I could see it as being an option but I'm not really sold on the item. Curse already exists to prevent things like Unstoppable+Ult Combos.

Also, this item would be ULTRA broken on Viscous. Puddle Punch becomes a Heavy Melee with his 5p Upgrade, so he could just go around interrupting big ults with long distance punches and basically not suffer any of the intended drawbacks of the item.
Curse can only pre-empt, it doesn't stop any Unstoppable channels already ongoing. Calico can escape, yeah, but in the part of a game where a Haze in Unstopp ulting, I think no matter what the Calico is probably dead before she gets up from the parry, unless the Haze is doing something stupid, in which case the Haze is doing something stupid. And yeah, we can literally make it a 0.1 second stun if needs be, in order to avoid it adding onto stun chains, that's perfectly reasonable. As for the Viscous part, if Viscous is sitting there waiting for your Haze to Unstop ult, then he's not displacing your teammates with knockbacks and shit nonstop, and he's also spent the points to upgrade fist, which before real late game means no cleanse on cube, no abilities during ult, etc. I think that's really more a Viscous problem than anything else, as the other melee items both work on lights, and aren't strong enough to not allow them to be procc'ed from range. If Viscous is rushing an interrupt melee item to ranged stun enemies out of ults, then Knockdown is a lot cheaper, and if it's late game, then Viscous really cannot just be sitting back waiting for the ult.