Before the item description, a little name context. The Sedgley OSS .38 was effectively a small pistol attached to a glove, to be used for like, assassinations during WW2. Pretty sure it was in Inglorious Bastards. I figure Fairfax would be all over any sort of technology like that in this universe, and despite not seemingly being any Great War or WW2, technology would still develop. I understand the name kind of shirks Deadlocks other item name conventions, so as a backup, I think something befitting its stunning nature like “Haymaker”, would be fine, though IMO less cool.
T4 Weapon item, upgrades from T2 Melee Charge
- +25% Weapon Damage
- +200 Health
- 40% Heavy Melee Distance
Your next Heavy Melee attack against an enemy deals increased damage, stuns, and either reloads your weapon weapon instantly or gives you up to +100% bonus ammo.
Only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full.
35% Bonus Melee Damage on proc
1 Second Stun
16 Second Cooldown
Stun Pierces Debuff Immunity/Unstoppable (whatever the official term is)
Another Dota item being ported to Deadlock, this time its Abyssal. I think the game could use some sort of way to be able to deal with Unstoppable, though I think it needs to both be something more unique to Deadlock, and also still put the user in some measure of risk. Making it melee does both, especially against those Unstoppable Ulting carries.
T4 Weapon item, upgrades from T2 Melee Charge
- +25% Weapon Damage
- +200 Health
- 40% Heavy Melee Distance
Your next Heavy Melee attack against an enemy deals increased damage, stuns, and either reloads your weapon weapon instantly or gives you up to +100% bonus ammo.
Only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full.
35% Bonus Melee Damage on proc
1 Second Stun
16 Second Cooldown
Stun Pierces Debuff Immunity/Unstoppable (whatever the official term is)
Another Dota item being ported to Deadlock, this time its Abyssal. I think the game could use some sort of way to be able to deal with Unstoppable, though I think it needs to both be something more unique to Deadlock, and also still put the user in some measure of risk. Making it melee does both, especially against those Unstoppable Ulting carries.