Explosive rounds? High Level Spirit+Weapon Synergy

Shallow God

Active member
There are a few weapon upgrades that help transfer spirit damage onto your weapoon: Mystic shot, Tesla bullets, Toxic bullets. They cap out of the 3K mark (mystic shot being the most cost effective), Tesla bullets being really only good on Seven whose 3 buffs it and toxic bullets seem quite a poor investment for the damage they do. I think it would be good to have more option to synergise spirit builds with weapon damage, and make hybrid builds more viable. There is the 6.5K Spiritual overflow which allows you to improve your spirit damage with your bullets but nothing the other way around. It would be nice for there to be a high level high item that helps a spirit heavy gun builds—builds you often see on Vindicta, Seven, Geist, or McGinnis to name a few. Which would allow characters like Haze who have poor spirit scaling have a type of spirit build. Maybe something potent like a kind of explosive round (akin to what's seen in L4D2, that kind of radius). Or maybe an incendiary round, Infernus' version of Seven's Tesla bullets. Cursed rounds? Blessed rounds? Some kind of high level attribute that gives the player's weapon more spirit damage. (Perhaps even at a detriment—greatly or entirely replacing your bullet damage with spirit damage instead). I think this would allow builds that are heavy into spirit stay relevant outside of their cooldowns (Seven sometimes being an ult machine for example), while also giving gun focused heroes better spirit synergy if they so desire it. It might also give ways for those with weapon builds to change to a spirit one if they've be countered of find their bullet damage ineffective. But I also think it would be balanced in the idea that many people building spirit might not want to use 6.5K souls on a weapon upgrade

If I had to suggest just one: Explosive rounds just seem like the most logical progression of spirit based weapon upgardes: it would work with radius increases and function better at range where most abilities are used at; it would be visually and audibly noticeable and would "feel" like a genuine increase in fire power. It could also have interesting interactions with certain weapons like Yamato's alt fire. It could be an upgrade of Mystic shot: Explosive mystic shot where every 5s a round deals an AoE of spirit damage, or it could function more like toxic rounds where every round is explosive but the damage is scaled for each hero—this would make it far better for status application. I wouldn't dare suggest these ideas are the best or only way to go about it but I will say I enjoy shooting my gun even if I know sometimes investing purely in spirit is the most optimal way forward: even when I'm building Seven to be a walking nuke, I still get Tesla bullets.


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