Escape key cant close menu's or shops, only manual mouse clicking on escape.


As the title says, since the last update (although there were 3 quickly after one another) from yesterday the escape keyboard key does not work in menu's anymore.
This is both true for the main menu when looking at resources etc, and for the inmatch shop window. That you now have to manualy close by clicking the button in the bottom left.
The bug does not seem consistent, and happend both yesterday and today for me. But currently it works for the moment.
I have tried alt-tabbing out to see if that effects it, and it does not seem to change anything. Opening steam overlay does not seem to effect it.
I am able to replicate this consistently for the Resources page. Steps to reproduce:

* Click Resources
* Click Browse Items
* Click any item tab

At this point pressing escape will not exit, only clicking it will