Error, you're in a party

I also have the same problem, I have tried the following:

Restarting the game
Restarting Steam
Restarting PC
Cleared download cache
Verified Integrity

Anyone know how to fix this please?

Same bug,
I have tried the following:

Restarting the game
Restarting Steam
Reinstall The Gane
Cleared download cache

nothing helps(1724840144199.png
Im having this issue trying to start a game or join through code, create a party with code, through inviting other people online, through accepting an invite.

I tried, party_refresh 0, I tried restarting game, restarting steam, restarting computer, restarting gateway/network. I tried verifying game files. etc.

I might be server side fix with the next patch update. we just have to wait to see.
This same thing just happened to me tonight while trying to play. I also am not able to start a queue for a match, accept an invite from a friend, invite a friend to a party, or join off of a party code.

I have tried:
-Verified Game Files
-Exit steam, reinstall game
-party_refresh 0 in game and party_refresh 1
-Changed my region with command with citadel_region_override to another region and wasn't able to queue as well, even after going back to NA region and trying again.

I was able to play with friends and queue into regular games as normal yesterday just fine. I only experienced this on Sunday Evening (9/1). If it matters, I am able to get into Sandbox mode and that is it.
Same issue, started after inviting a friend to a party and the server not being available. since then the game thinks im in a party when im not. Pretty silly to code a response to queuing into a match as solo in a party but not disband the party so i can queue. you guys know its a problem but did jack all to actually prevent or fix it