Enchanter's Shield


Match ID:563348 Time:23:29
I was playing a round earlier and had some powerful items that seemed to be completely nullified. At the time I had Slowing Hex, Boundless Spirit, and Improved Burst while the Vindicta had Enchanter's Barrier. I used these things in this order and was confused why the shield was able to nullify everything up until Hyper Beam:
  1. Slowing Hex (145 spirit damage)
  2. Hook (40 spirit damage)
  3. Exploding Uppercut (129 spirit damage) (At this point it should be 314 damage to the shield at least)
  4. Sticky Bomb (414 spirit damage)
The shield is still up and seems to have no spill over whatsoever on the Sticky Bomb. Do shields not have spillover? If they don't, how was it able to tank everything here when she had no spirit resistance?

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I suppose the thing that stands out is given the amount of spirit damage dealt, ignoring the physical damage from the uppercut, it seems like the shield absorbed the full amount of the stick bomb damage. I would expect the damage to spill over once the barrier tanked 300 spirit damage which does not seem to be the case here.
The health bars are bugged in replay mode but...

After closer examination, this is what her health pool is right before the sticky bomb explosion, and right after she takes 1 tick of dmg from your ult

Barrier: 121
Health: 882

After the sticky bomb explosion

Barrier: 0
Health: 591

So as you can see the bomb did do 412 dmg, 121 to barrier and it DID spill over to her health pool, the barrier didn't block any extra damage on break
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