Electrified Shells / 3500

Its like an old MKB in dota XD. The problem i see is that the devs specifically made most of the stuff in game not interrupt channaling abilities, you can`t buy Silence Glyph and turn off Dynamo who is already ulting. This WILL prevent channeling skills and will basically be a must buy on haze and wraith. Might be ok just because of the above 80% health thing.
Also why is it 3500 when it doesn`t have a component? The games shop doesn`t work like that(atleast for now), T3 items ALL cost 3000, the extra cost is from their components.
I can also propose a name change to something like "Heavy Shells" since we already have Tesla Bullets and this will help avoid confusion.
And you can use Deadmock https://tryneus.github.io/deadmock/ created by Tryneus to make items easier