Echo Shard, but for specific abilities. "Copy Cat"


Echo Shard currently only resets the last ability used. This can be counter intuitive for Teamfight heavy characters, or characters that have buffs and debuffs. Ivy for example would probably love for her Tether to be reusable, but I'm not going to sit around waiting to refresh that when I should be spamming her bombs.

Copy Cat
  • Imbued Ability + Active Item
  • The Copy Cat becomes an identical copy of the ability you imbue
  • The cooldown of the active is the ability's current cooldown x2
  • 6500 Soul cost (same as Echo Shard)
  • Echo Shard usage does not affect Copy Cat in any way
It probably shouldn't affect ults, just like Echo Shard. Maybe have it be a Spirit item and give it some native cooldown reduction

Edit: It occurs to me that Echo Shard is only 20 seconds long, which means it can be a shorter CD than many abilities. Maybe Copy Cat could also just be 20 seconds, in effect simply becoming an alternative item to Echo Shard.
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Have you considered - Triple Bomba Bebop and his ramifications for the game?
It already exists if you want to use refresher in a punch and hook combo lol
But really you can just counter triple bomb with ethereal shift or debuff remover then, or play heroes that have immunity frames on some of their abilities.