Earthbound and Lead Bullets - drag those flyers back to the ground


Simple active item, T3 Weapon. When used on an enemy, prevents them from ascending in the air. If they are already in the air, drags them back down at a reasonable pace. The victim still has horizontal movement when descending. Lasts for 8 seconds, has a range of 40m. Double jumps still work for air time, but targets will usually touch the floor before the double jump becomes available.

Another T3 weapon item: Lead Bullets. When shot by a lead bullet, the Earthbound effect gets applied for .5 seconds. Repeated shots reset the timer. Procs once every 30% of the time or so. Does not interfere with Tesla, and only applies to whatever target the bullet hits.
Another idea. Active item: Glass Ceiling, on cast, create a wide barrier above user that nothing can pass.

Think of Mars' ult, but flat and mid air.
What about applying a gravity accelerant instead? Something that just makes agile airborne players a lot heavier. As a Lash main I would really hate my airborne movement being fussed with like this.

This way, afflicted players can still jump to some degree, but still be hampered.