Early Game Sustain and other Consumable Ideas


New member
It's kind of weird that tangos are not in this game and the only active healing is an early healing rite, which is good on it's own but it delays your other timings.

Since the game has no mana it means heals become time based which is quite a frustrating choice between going all the way home or pop a healing nova / healing rite and wait it out, which really isn't active gameplay since you cannot take any damage or the healing rite will wear off. You are encouraged to afk for 15 seconds or afk and go back base. But this one I do not have a good idea for right now, maybe a tango equivalent so you can get slow healing in lane?

I would like to suggest some items that leads to aggressive laning or tower diving, currently the laning phase is mostly creep killing and your gun isn’t very capable, you are stuck with your 40-60 sec cd skills and harassing your opponents.

I’ve noticed if you are playing against a good opponent and the lane is even, there isn’t much to do unless somebody screwed up really badly, there isn’t much you can do to be aggressive or “make a play”.

  1. I’m maybe just copying Dota here, but something like a flashbang that disables or slows, similar to blood grenade in Dota, it make plays happen and it is a decision you have to make with risks involved.
  2. Another item would be a one time skill shot that does decent damage and it’s used to execute somebody who’s low or just make harassing happen. Maybe a knife or a trident?
  3. I’m also hoping for something similar to a smoke of deceit, maybe it doesn’t even need to be invisible on the map, just silence the footstep of your hero or your team. A lot of ganks can be easily avoided by just hearing them coming, especially with the high heel sound of female heroes. I’m thinking maybe something along the line of a shoe slipper?

Again all of these are consumables which AFAIK does not exist in game yet. They can either have a cost with souls or also time based like wards in Dota and be free.
For action-encouraging healing, what about a 500g or 1200g damage leech that only functions against structures? I don't know if there's enough exposed structure HP in the map to make it truly worthwhile past the laning phase, but it could be neat to see how it fits in. Maybe give it some trinket effect against neutrals or something, like +15% bullet or spirit damage against them (or even straight up duplicating the heal vs structures), to give it a little more utility and encourage movement out of or between lanes, in order to open up the opportunity cost between pushing and leaving a lane empty.
theres a lot healing in the game bullet shield and spirit shield is just kinda like a healing too and theres literally a creep that heals you every 5 seconds too