Dynamo Quantum Entanglement doesn't bring allies through walls


New member
Using quantum entanglement to bring allies behind a wall makes allies bump into the wall and stay there after cast finishes.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Place an ally in front of a wall
2. Cast Quantum Entanglement behind the wall to bring the ally behind it

Result: Dynamo will be successfully moved to the point but ally will hit the wall and reman in front of the wall.
Expected: Dynamo and the ally both will be successfully moved to selected point.

View attachment Dynamo Quantum Entanglement (2 ability) Bug.mp4
Same thing for teleporting items: Warp Stone, Phantom Strike. If your character's model can not pass to the targeted point then you can not teleport there as you will hit obstacles on the way to the point.
Not sure if Wraith's Project Mind has the same behaviour
Same thing for teleporting items: Warp Stone, Phantom Strike. If your character's model can not pass to the targeted point then you can not teleport there as you will hit obstacles on the way to the point.
Not sure if Wraith's Project Mind has the same behaviour
It's not a bug, it's a mechanic
Hope this behaviour is intended tbh. Bumping into a wall with a teleport should cut you off from going any further.
Well at least as Dynamo you are turning into a ball which is flying towards the point you select. If there is a wall on the ball's way then its intended to stop in front of it. But on the first video I was flying behind the wall, the ball was behind the wall but Infernus got stopped in front of it despite the fact that he was inside the ball as well.
Phantom Strike as example has a description:
Teleport to an enemy target ...
But you may also hit a wall if you are too big even tho you are able to select a target. I also had situation when I hit the ground if I use Phantom Strike on a character which is staying on top of any ramp or stairs while I am on the bottom of it. So I don't think it is intended
This is definitely a bug and not intended behavior based on the visual and how dumb it would be for this to be the intention of the devs. Can you imagine designing a team grouping and teleport ability that can be activated with no cast animation and it supposedly on purpose doesn't bring teammates with you if the teammates (not the one casting the team grouping teleport) are slightly blocked by a wall. That sort of design present in a game where just about every aoe ability and item having no los check is an insane thing to believe is intentional.
Hope this behaviour is intended tbh. Bumping into a wall with a teleport should cut you off from going any further.
The visuals do not reflect that. There is clearly one singular point that everyone gets drawn into and moved along. At MINIMUM this is a bug with the visuals being displayed, and in terms of gameplay there's no justification for requiring Dynamo to somehow check every surrounding teammate's vector, in parallel with his own while not looking towards them, to avoid any and all minor terrain collisions.
If I had to guess there's probably some code to prevent Dynamo from teleporting into tight/otherwise inaccessible spaces and this is just an oversight of that code.

Personally, I would fix it, since its pretty annoying when that happens in an actual match