Dynamo can use ceiling light fixtures to consistently clip through ceilings


New member
How to reproduce:
  1. Play as dynamo
  2. Find a cylindrical ceiling light fixture
  3. Get very close to the ceiling (double jump, wall jump, etc)
  4. Aim slightly downwards, towards the bottom end of the light fixture
  5. Use Quantum Entanglement
  6. You will end up above the ceiling
Given how easily reproducible this is, kind of a major issue. This can be used to escape death in a lot of common battle spots, as well as use it to surprise-ultimate a group of enemies.

Here's a video of me performing the bug in various spots around the map
So it turns out it actually has nothing to do with the lamps, you can just do it with any ceiling. So the steps are the same as above except without the light fixture parts.