Duel Wield, 3000 duplication weapon item


Active member
This is part of my vision for more mystic shots.

Duel Wield

Costs 3000
Weapon damage +10%
Bullet shield health +100
Cooldown reduction +8%
Item passive cooldown reduction +10%
When purchased select a non-active item you own that is tier 1 or 2. Duel Wield gains the stats and passives of that item. If a tier 1 is selected add +4% cooldown reduction.
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Crazy options for this is to dual wield:
Berserker (+100% weapon damage after taking 1200 damage to hp)
Healbane (if it stacks the anti-heal then it's 80% anti heal, otherwise just 700hp on kill stacking)
Healing Booster (30% anti heal resistance, 50% healing increase is insane)
One of the lifesteal items
Debuff Reducer for 56% debuff reduction is crazy, debuff remover and silencer is 60% for the price of a T3+T2 and T4
Melee charge for 80% longer melee range
Active Reload for a bunch of bonuses stacking when reloaded correctly
Slowing bullets +50% slow
Soul Shredder Bullets would be crazy on Infernus with this.
Long Range for -40% reload time, and 60% weapon damage at 15m+
Swift Striker for +40% fire rate
Mystic Vulnerability/Bullet Resist Shredder for roughly -24% resist (Crippling headshot does -24% btw)
Improved Cooldown (Similar stats to Superior Cooldown, 28% cdr on all instead of 24% with 32% on imbued, good trade off/alternative to superior cooldown)
Suppressor -50% fire rate slow
Ammo Scavenger for 44 spirit power (+4 base spirit on item, 18 stacks)
Spirit Strike (doubling the spirit damage and resist shredding is now 24% and +24% melee damage)

And then maybe best:
Enduring Speed x2 (2.2m/s move speed, 4m/s sprint, 60% slow resist, +28% base health)
Turned into a speed demon with this
Crazy options for this is to dual wield:
Berserker (+100% weapon damage after taking 1200 damage to hp)
Healbane (if it stacks the anti-heal then it's 80% anti heal, otherwise just 700hp on kill stacking)
Healing Booster (30% anti heal resistance, 50% healing increase is insane)
One of the lifesteal items
Debuff Reducer for 56% debuff reduction is crazy, debuff remover and silencer is 60% for the price of a T3+T2 and T4
Melee charge for 80% longer melee range
Active Reload for a bunch of bonuses stacking when reloaded correctly
Slowing bullets +50% slow
Soul Shredder Bullets would be crazy on Infernus with this.
Long Range for -40% reload time, and 60% weapon damage at 15m+
Swift Striker for +40% fire rate
Mystic Vulnerability/Bullet Resist Shredder for roughly -24% resist (Crippling headshot does -24% btw)
Improved Cooldown (Similar stats to Superior Cooldown, 28% cdr on all instead of 24% with 32% on imbued, good trade off/alternative to superior cooldown)
Suppressor -50% fire rate slow
Ammo Scavenger for 44 spirit power (+4 base spirit on item, 18 stacks)
Spirit Strike (doubling the spirit damage and resist shredding is now 24% and +24% melee damage)

And then maybe best:
Enduring Speed x2 (2.2m/s move speed, 4m/s sprint, 60% slow resist, +28% base health)
Turned into a speed demon with this
Shop bonuses wouldn't be doubled, to clarify. Duel Wield has its own shop bonuses as a tier 3 weapon.
You're paying 3k to double a 1250 with some bonus stats. I agree there are great candidates like beserker but if you compare spending 3k on another beserker or intensifying magazine... well the answer is clear.