Does Vindicta's ult need an adjustment to it's charge?


When I test it at a below 50% hp target and it hits for around 770, firing it completely uncharged does around 470 damage. Meaning the penalty for not charging it is less than half it's total damage.
For an ability that is meant to have some semblance of counterplay by needing to charge and being visible when it does (the laser beam), this seems a bit of balance.
The penalty for quick scoping it isn't nearly enough to enforce the whole "needs to charge" bit, especially when the cooldown between shots is pretty much non-existant (with rapid recharge it's less than the time it takes to fully charge a shot).
So you can just fire two shots and do more damage faster than if you charged your shot. Doesn't seem like a design that works properly because atm there is absolutely zero incentive to charge your shot and the visible laser beam is never a factor.
When I test it at a below 50% hp target and it hits for around 770, firing it completely uncharged does around 470 damage. Meaning the penalty for not charging it is less than half it's total damage.
For an ability that is meant to have some semblance of counterplay by needing to charge and being visible when it does (the laser beam), this seems a bit of balance.
The penalty for quick scoping it isn't nearly enough to enforce the whole "needs to charge" bit, especially when the cooldown between shots is pretty much non-existant (with rapid recharge it's less than the time it takes to fully charge a shot).
So you can just fire two shots and do more damage faster than if you charged your shot. Doesn't seem like a design that works properly because atm there is absolutely zero incentive to charge your shot and the visible laser beam is never a factor.
So, I completely agree with you on this.

Which is why I would love you to please post this in the correct forum. This is the forum for suggesting new hero ideas, not give feedback on current ones. Please please PLEASE post this in the feedback forum, because 100% it is an issue I agree with you on. :D