Does Deadlock currently have any anti-cheat measures?


New member
I've been playing a lot of games recently, and in 7 out of 10 games, the cheater count spiked, either on the enemy team or my own. So, I'm wondering if my reports in Discord and in-game are actually being reviewed and actioned by the devs.

Since the big update where there are no matchmaking limits, countless cheaters have popped up in my queue, like wtf. I just let them end the game fast so I can end my suffering too.

VAC 3.0 works really well in CS2, and I hope they put a strong anti-cheat in the game like that or something like Vanguard. I've already applied as one of the cheat moderators to help punish cheaters in-game.

I know it's a beta, but I'm enjoying the game and have already spent 150 hours on it, which shows I'm obviously invested and will support the game. So, I think I have the right to have this discussion since a successful beta will leave a good impression on new players when it launches.

