Doctor Wisteria - a botanist hero with a focus on growing and harvesting.


New member
Visually, she'd look a bit like a disheveled mad scientist, with plants and vines growing out one side of her body, William Birkin style, wrapping around her right arm into a flower-shaped cannon as her main weapon. Her personality should toe the line between crazy scientist, and worryingly enthusiastic, maybe a bit like Dota 2's Snapfire.

Ability 1- Nectar Bomb. Lobs a glob of sticky nectar at the target area, dealing damage and slowing enemies. If the impact hits any Blossoms, they gain increased attack damage.

Ability 2- Mulch. Makes grass grow in an area. Any allied units standing within the garden regenerate HP continuously. Blossoms in the area gain attack speed.

Ability 3- Sow. Up to 3 charges with upgrades. Plants a seed that blossoms after a couple seconds, becoming a turret that shoots at nearby enemies (similar to McGinnis' turrets). Other abilities can enhance the Blossoms with extra abilities, with visual upgrades to match (extra attack, extra speed, or both).

Ability 4- Reap. Absorbs all nearby Blossoms and grafts them onto your body, enhancing your main weapon for a few seconds. Essentially, it adds all nearby turret attacks to your main weapon instead, the more you had planted (up to the max amount), the more projectiles you shoot. They also keep any upgrades they had. Was thinking perhaps as a max level upgrade, if you use this ability while standing on your ability 2 you also gain a leaf shield covering your body and reducing damage. In essence, for a few seconds, you become like a plant-based mech with multiple guns.

The overall idea behind the hero is someone who focuses all around building/customizing turrets/minions, with a more zoning and defensive playstyle, while still having the ability to go for a big push when timed right. I also wanted her non-turret abilities to be double use: you can use them as weapons to harass or support your team, or to upgrade your turrets, but if you are crafty with your placement you can hit both at the same time for maximum value. As for the ultimate, my original idea was something more generic purpose, like shooting out vines that damage and root enemies, but I figured since the rest of her kit focused on planting and nurturing her plants, it'd be fitting if the ultimate could harvest the fruits of that labor, and reward you for properly managing your other abilities to get the most out of its use.