Discord Ban


New member
I was banned from the official discord a few days ago and was curious to know if I could appeal or even speak to anyone about it?

A friend did message @Yoshi directly the other day on my behalf and he mentioned if a moderator didn't reply within a couple days he would look into it for me.

I can't seem to contact any moderators over Discord as none of them accept friend requests so I'm a bit stuck.
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I was just banned today and IDK why. No warning or anything. I was muted for 7 days. I DM'd the individual that did it to ask why and they never replied. Then i was banned from the server.

I too would like to appeal or know why.
I was just banned today and IDK why. No warning or anything. I was muted for 7 days. I DM'd the individual that did it to ask why and they never replied. Then i was banned from the server.

I too would like to appeal or know why.

Wonder if the mods are a tad power hungry...
Are we able to get a forum section for bans, where Discord moderators can review them atleast?

Would seem like a fairly sensible thing to do.
I was in the off-topic section just being silly. I made a random comment, an individual replied than reported me. He kept crying "can i get a global mod" repeatedly. So all it took was one individual crying over and over @'ing the mod non stop to get me banned. Fair? Just? Equal? Reasonable? Maybe make me a mod so shit like this don't happen.
I mentioned "Smacking it up, flipping it and rubbing it down" totally bannable i guess. Then I mom-joked the crying individual. Are we at a stage in our culture and society where dumb-fux still get offended by silly mom jokes?

I mean.. just look at my avatar.. its like my entire theme
I was banned yesterday for "spamming" gifs when official game servers crashed. 100 people spammed and everyone get ban? Discord moderators are funny so much. And it is for sure power hungry topic. Full of complexes nerds. How can you permanently ban someone for spamming gifs and making jokes? They must have a seriously sick mind.
I was banned yesterday for "spamming" gifs when official game servers crashed. 100 people spammed and everyone get ban? Discord moderators are funny so much. And it is for sure power hungry topic. Full of complexes nerds. How can you permanently ban someone for spamming gifs and making jokes? They must have a seriously sick mind.
Most likely just stupid people. There are TOO many of them. And I hate that when I say it everyone acts like "stupid" cant be the reason.