Disconnected from Server before Matchmaking


New member
I have not been able to play an actual game due to being unable to connect. It states that I've been disconnected from the server and states it's an internet problem. I have good internet speeds and connection as supplied in the images.

In attempt to fix it I have:
  • Verified the integrity of the files on steam
  • Uninstalled and reinstalled
  • Changed the region before queuing and during rejoin
  • Attempted at using a VPN?
  • Connected directly to modem bypassing my router
  • Disabled my firewall on my PC and modem
  • Allowed IPv4 and IPv6 Connects exclusively to my PC & router

Some extra things to know, I have an additional router that I have connected which is more secure and I believe is the problem, I unfortunately don't have the knowledge to figure out how to fix or what exactly may be causing it. (Edit: I just connected directly to my modem and it still didn't work, so my router isn't the issue like I thought).

The first set of console stats is probably my first few attempts at connecting and rejoining, the second set is my last attempt after changing the regions a few times, and the final image is what pops up every time. It occurs every time I try and does matter what kind of game as long as it has other people aside from my party members. e.g. I can play bot matches and practice matches with them just not with anyone else.
My Specs:
Ryzen 7 3700x, Nvidia RTX 2070, 32G of DDR4 2133
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