Devil's Bargain - Spirit Item (T4)


New member
Devil's Bargain - 6300 cost Spirit Item
+66 Spirit Power
+666 Bonus Health

Your other items can be sold for 90% of their cost. However, you have 66% Heal Reduction. This item cannot be sold.

the spirit power would actually excel on Seven really well; as you can build him for bullet DPS early game and then immediately swap to Ultimate Damage build late-game... might be a bit high actually, considering it's higher than even Boundless Spirit.

the spirit power would actually excel on Seven really well; as you can build him for bullet DPS early game and then immediately swap to Ultimate Damage build late-game... might be a bit high actually, considering it's higher than even Boundless Spirit.
Aye, the intent of this item is to offer a very strong pivot in the lategame, but at the cost of sustain and carry potential. I was even thinking of adding the effect "... is destroyed on death" to make it even riskier to use, similar to Divine Rapier being dropped on death.