Detailed Hero Concept: Cunningham


New member
Made primarily using Heroforge and Paint Dot Net (yes those are warframe guns lol)
Numbers, of course, can always change, so if the kit seems under or overpowered, just think of him in a way you would consider balanced - apart from this, here's how he's supposed to play:
He's mainly a mid-short range hero, who requires good positioning and to squeeze out as much damage in a shallow time frame as possible, most of this requires keeping mental timers of his 1 and 2, and goading enemies to attack you in a way where you can benefit from it. You are severely punished if you fight amongst larger groups, have poorer positioning, or have pretty bad timing. The only time he's free of at-least a few of these drawbacks are during his 4; The Glance, where he is allowed to shine one-to-many by severely reducing their effectiveness in his presence while it's active.

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Hmm, how would you communicate to other players that the glance is active (and that it has a range of 10 meters) during gameplay? I could see a radius appear on the ground. Love the cogitohazard nature of the ability.
I absolutely adore this!
The art is very well done too, great work.

Swagger and the gaze are very creative concepts that I quite enjoy the idea of.

Hmm, how would you communicate to other players that the glance is active (and that it has a range of 10 meters) during gameplay? I could see a radius appear on the ground. Love the cogitohazard nature of the ability.

I do like the idea of a seven ult radius, except it has a large like.
"THE GAZE" with a rapidly filling bar above the top middle of your screen
and a loud noticeable danger sound effect.
All things that loudly signal, "get away!"
Hmm, how would you communicate to other players that the glance is active (and that it has a range of 10 meters) during gameplay? I could see a radius appear on the ground. Love the cogitohazard nature of the ability.
Probably something similar to what Vindicta has when she zooms in; a sheen from her scope. Though in this case, the sheen would be coming from his glasses. Plus also some hud effects to tell you when you're being affected by it.

As for the range, probably a flashlight-esque effect? Like for certain targeted abilities in a cone. Though in this case it would be an aoe
Probably something similar to what Vindicta has when she zooms in; a sheen from her scope. Though in this case, the sheen would be coming from his glasses. Plus also some hud effects to tell you when you're being affected by it.

As for the range, probably a flashlight-esque effect? Like for certain targeted abilities in a cone. Though in this case it would be an aoe
Thad be fun. Maybe when you're within range his player model starts to heat warp while looking at him