"Denies" Count Innacuracy on Player Stat Screen


New member
On the new player stat screen (The one accessed by clicking your profile on the main menu) selecting a hero you haven't played before will show an inaccurate count for the "Denies" stat. Instead of zero, it will show the the number of "Denies" belonging to the hero you last had selected on the stat screen.

So for example, I enter the stat screen and "All Heroes" is pre-selected. Let's say it shows a "Denies" stat of 42. I scroll down and click on a hero that I have no play history on, let's say Paradox. The stat screen now shoes that I have zeros for all of Paradox's stats except for "Denies", which still shows 42.
If I scroll up and click on Haze, who I have played, it correctly shows that she has a "Denied" stat of 16. But if I scroll back down and select Paradox again (or any other hero with no stats) it now shows 16 for the "Denied" stat.