Debuff remover slight buff


New member
I've had a few matches where teams ahve multiple slowdowns or stuns with echo shard n whatnot

I use debuff remover, they spam more stuns.

it's not fun. it makes players feel useless when you get a specific item to combat specific things.

why not have it so after a few secodns of using debuff remover it makes it so no debuffs can be placed on you, after that they can spam it. but it at least gives you some seconds to get out of there instead of stun locked over stun locked.
That's unstoppable that prevents stuns. Debuff remover makes them ,
40% shorter. If you're getting things applied to you after removing then either you forced them to buy stuff to answer your debuff remover or you are fighting multiple people, in which case you are not expected to win.
what if it was like parry where if you successfully remove a debuff it doesn't go on cooldown? spamming it would obviously not work unless the opponent is also spamming stuns as fast as possible in which case they kind of deserve to have them all removed.. would have to be set up to only work on certain debuffs or you could just spam it vs haze/infernus but it would be awesome to have a good counter to team comps that just stunlock you