Debuff Remover inconsistencies


New member
After some quick and dirty testing, there are some strange interactions with Debuff Remover.
Non-intuitive things you can apparently 'cleanse' and that give movement speed: The end of Abrams's charge when you don't get stunned against a wall, the rope portion of Yamato's Flying Strike (just gives move speed, does nothing else), Dynamo's stomp at 0 upgrades (ditto), the visual tether from Lash's ult (just removes the line indicator, you still get grabbed even when timed correctly), and probably some more stuff I didn't think to try.

Things you can cleanse but don't give move speed: Bebop's bomb, Warden's binding word before it activates, Seven's stun before it activates, the slow portion of Kevin's Ice Beam (the disarm does give speed), the 'Knockdown' item before it stuns.

Another oddity I found is that debuffs applied via Toxic Bullets aren't cleansed correctly. The actual bleed effect is removed but Mystic Vulnerability and Mystic Slow can persist through it. Might work the same with other effects.