Debounce time on abilities is too high.


New member
Game debounce time on abilities is too high. I have keyboard with optical switches with debounce time 0.2ms and i cannot quickscope on Vindicta for example, the game doesn't register my second click to cancel the scope of Vindicta's ultimate. I tested debounce time using macros getting delay of my keyboard bigger, and it works correctly with delay 0.25ms-ish. So i believe it's game issue. And I don't want to use macros to increase delay of my keyboard, it's probably can be banable as well.
If I understand the topic correctly, at least with vindicta you can use mouse2 to exit the scope instead of pressing ult button again. Not sure what other abilities can have an issue with that though
Yeah, thank you, you're right, didn't know about mouse2 and it works correctly with it. Actually this issue appears on every ability that can be canceled with the same "ability button". Like for example first ability of Vindicta or any other grenade that can be canceled before you throw it. But with Vindicta's ultimate this issue is crucial, because of quickscope mechanics. At least I can do quickscopes using mouse2 for cancel now, but it's a bit off anyway.
I will say that I have noticed that Deadlock, in general, seems to have a problem with not recognizing inputs if you're pressing keys too quickly. I run into this the most when trying to dash in zig zags and when trying to level up quickly mid fight, etc. Sometimes because of this I'll dash the wrong way or level up the wrong skill, all because the game literally isn't registering some of the inputs. :x

Before this post I was really thinking it was just me messing up somehow? But an issue with rapid input response would actually explain SO MUCH.
Depending on your specific issue, something like 'quick scoping' has design implications. The initial animation and ability lockout, the delay between full charge, the recovery time before the next shot, and the time it takes to unscope are all design decisions. Most likely if you, for example, double tap Q you are still animation locked from bringing the scope.

This game doesn't allow you to 'buffer' inputs to go off instantly unlike for example, Overwatch. Overwatch, if an ability is on cooldown, you can press/hold the ability before it is off cooldown and it will trigger as soon as the cooldown has expired, the same with any animation locks it has.

without buffering latency and pressing buttons to early can lead to unresponsiveness/delays, which may be what you are seeing here. I will also test it out and see if I notice any inconsistency's, but most of the time my experience has been that there doesn't appear to be any, or not as much, buffering built into this game.
and when trying to level up quickly mid fight
There's some sort of blockade against lvling up skills while using any of them for some reason so what probably keeps happening to you is that you try to lvl up skill but game doesn't allow you but at the same time you are not fighting anymore because of attempting to lvl up skill which results in blockade getting removed and you pressing skill to use while holding tab/alt which results in skill you wanted to use being lvled instead.

I don't know why they have decided to do it that way but I advise to dodge into cover for a second to lvl up skills.
There's some sort of blockade against lvling up skills while using any of them for some reason so what probably keeps happening to you is that you try to lvl up skill but game doesn't allow you but at the same time you are not fighting anymore because of attempting to lvl up skill which results in blockade getting removed and you pressing skill to use while holding tab/alt which results in skill you wanted to use being lvled instead.

I don't know why they have decided to do it that way but I advise to dodge into cover for a second to lvl up skills.
That's what I do now, but it's still a point of frustration for me.
I will say that I have noticed that Deadlock, in general, seems to have a problem with not recognizing inputs if you're pressing keys too quickly. I run into this the most when trying to dash in zig zags and when trying to level up quickly mid fight, etc. Sometimes because of this I'll dash the wrong way or level up the wrong skill, all because the game literally isn't registering some of the inputs. :x

Before this post I was really thinking it was just me messing up somehow? But an issue with rapid input response would actually explain SO MUCH.
Somewhat related ( i think) when trying to wall jump, you have to be already pressing the direction key away from the wall and then press shift for it to register, but if you're holding shift already, tapping the direction key wont register a wall jump. Seems unintentional.