Deadlock ping issue, terrible hitreg? (with 50ping)

This is a server side issue. My game was fine till a few months ago as well.

It was okay at first, but things have gotten slowly worse and worse over time. At the point it is actually unplayable with the amount lag the servers have.
Thanks for reply! Glad to hear its not just me. Its really annoying and unfair problem, dont really have motivation to play right now. Please come back to tell me, if they fix it in some point! I hope they will find a way to fix this, and at least see us having this problem
I have been experiencing this as well, and I'm usually on 25ms ping. While in game you can open the console by hitting F7 and then type status to get a connection report. For me, it shows high packet loss in the games where I'm experiencing issues (which isn't all, but almost all of them). It began after the Nov 7th update for me, prior to that I hadn't experienced any of these issues. Really frustrating, I have played a ton since getting access to the test but this is going to force me to drop the game if they are not able to fix it soon.
Thanks Pontik for the status-tip!
I found myself a temporary fix for this issue. I took internet from my phone via USB. Now this game is fun and playable again! Hitting those 20-0 Vindicta games back to back with zero problems (last couple weeks has been so hard to play)
So my main internet is 5G, that is having packet loss problems. (outdoor antenna, and the rest is through cable to my computer). My friend has 5G too, experiencing same packet loss problems.
IDK how this is possible and how this could be fixed.
My phone has 4G 200MB internet. Ingame no packet losses, ping about 50 and hit registration is instant !!