Deadlock causes entire PC network connection to timeout.


New member
As per the title, I've managed to confirm that Deadlock is causing my entire network connection to my PC to timeout. I was playing a game of Deadlock, my connection dropped, then it reconnected and softlocked my game (as mentioned in other bug reports). My entire Steam friends list pops up again, indicating Steam lost connection too. I restarted Deadlock, rejoined the game, play for a few seconds, then the same thing happens again. Rinse and repeat like 10 times until I gave up. During these other attempts, sometimes I got automatically reconnected and softlocked, other times I got booted out of the game and had to rejoin manually. At last, I got a notification telling me that it had tried connecting me to all the different regions without success.

I rebooted my computer, pinged continuously in command prompt and everything was fine. The moment I start Deadlock, my connection times out for like 30 seconds, then the pinging resumes. After that, intermittently, some pings will just timeout randomly. Restarting the game again causes the connection to timeout for 30-ish seconds. With the game closed, there are no timeouts or any other issues with my connection. I've played a boatload of Deadlock games these last few days, and never had this issue.

Game ID: 7220412