Dalu - Close-Long Range Damage dealer


New member
Dalu is a prodigy son of a yakuza leader of the clan "MoMo." He excels his brothers by sharp aim and cunning intelligence. He wants to take over the street from his father and live a life full of luxury and gold. Being cursed by a witch, his right arm transforms anything he touches into gold.

By analysing the battlefield. Dalu finds the perfect spot for him to shoot enemies. He uses two MAC-10 as his main weapons but can change to AK47 for Mid-Long distances. His versatile kit allows him to be dangerous in close and long combats.

Gun swap.
Swap two MAC-10s for AK47. AK47 deals 200% MAC-10 damage but has halved shooting speed.
Swap AK47 for MAC-10s. MAC10 deals 50% of AK47 damage but has double shooting speed.
Swapping doesn’t reload the gun and happens instantaneously.

AK47 damage: 200%, AK47 Bullet per Second: 50%, Cooldown: 13
MAC-10s damage: 50%, MAC-10s Bullet per Second: 200%, Cooldown: 13

1: -4s Cooldown
2: AK47 bonus damage + 50% / MAC10 bonus shooting speed + 50%
5: Gun Swap reloads the weapon

Drink sake to heal HP and dispel almost all debuffs. (Can’t be used during Silence, Stunned, and Sleep)

Cooldown: 35, Heal: 96 + ( 2.5 * Spirit damage)

1: +1% Max hp/second for 5 seconds
2: +40% Debuff resist for 5 seconds
5: Dispels Silence, Stunned, and Sleep

Midas touch
Turn selected heroes into gold, interrupting their abilities (Can be used on yourself). The hero becomes untargetable, invincible, and can’t move. Ability can be recast to end duration early.

Cooldown: 45, Duration: 1* (0.01* Spirit damage) second(s), Distance: 4m

1: -15 Cooldown
2: Melee attacks interrupts ability but the enemy takes 200% + (0.005% * Spirit damage) melee damage
5: +100% Base Distance

Bounty hunt
Put a bounty on the selected enemy hero. The enemy receives bonus damage from Dalu. Ally that killed the marked hero receives bonus gold. Assists give half of the bounty. Gold from assists spread half of the gold evenly. Bounty ends only if target dies or Dalu casts ability on another enemy.

(Example: 3 Heroes participated in combat. 1 receives full bounty gold (+250) and 2 receive share half of bounty gold (125/2 = 63 rounded up)

Cooldown: 85, Bonus damage: 5 + (0.002 * Spirit damage)%, Bonus Gold: 250 + (1 * Spirit damage), Assist Gold: 125 * (0.5 * Spirit damage)

1: -10 Cooldown
2: +5% Base Bonus Damage
5: Base Bonus Gold increased to 550

Base stats:

Dps: 63
Base Ammo: 36 (+0.6 * Spirit damage)
Base Melee dmg: 70

Base Bullet Damage: 4.7
Base Bullet per Second: 13.4
Base Heavy Melee: 130
(AK47 Optional for Comparison)

Dps: 63
Base Ammo: 36 (+0.6 * Spirit damage)
Base Melee dmg: 70

Base Bullet Damage: 9.4
Base Bullet per Second: 6.7
Base Heavy Melee: 130

Base Max Health: 550
Base Health Regen: 2
Base Bullet Resist: +5%
Base Spirit Resist: -5%
Base Move Speed: 7.5 m/s
Base Sprint Speed: 0 m/s
Base Stamina: 3

Each power increase grants:
+ 0.37 Base Bullet Damage
+ 3.4 Base Melee Damage
+ 38 Base Health
+ 0.03 Base Bullet per Second
Dalu is a prodigy son of a yakuza leader of the clan "MoMo." He excels his brothers by sharp aim and cunning intelligence. He wants to take over the street from his father and live a life full of luxury and gold. Being cursed by a witch, his right arm transforms anything he touches into gold.

By analysing the battlefield. Dalu finds the perfect spot for him to shoot enemies. He uses two MAC-10 as his main weapons but can change to AK47 for Mid-Long distances. His versatile kit allows him to be dangerous in close and long combats.

Gun swap.
Swap two MAC-10s for AK47. AK47 deals 200% MAC-10 damage but has halved shooting speed.
Swap AK47 for MAC-10s. MAC10 deals 50% of AK47 damage but has double shooting speed.
Swapping doesn’t reload the gun and happens instantaneously.

AK47 damage: 200%, AK47 Bullet per Second: 50%, Cooldown: 13
MAC-10s damage: 50%, MAC-10s Bullet per Second: 200%, Cooldown: 13

1: -4s Cooldown
2: AK47 bonus damage + 50% / MAC10 bonus shooting speed + 50%
5: Gun Swap reloads the weapon

Drink sake to heal HP and dispel almost all debuffs. (Can’t be used during Silence, Stunned, and Sleep)

Cooldown: 35, Heal: 96 + ( 2.5 * Spirit damage)

1: +1% Max hp/second for 5 seconds
2: +40% Debuff resist for 5 seconds
5: Dispels Silence, Stunned, and Sleep

Midas touch
Turn selected heroes into gold, interrupting their abilities (Can be used on yourself). The hero becomes untargetable, invincible, and can’t move. Ability can be recast to end duration early.

Cooldown: 45, Duration: 1* (0.01* Spirit damage) second(s), Distance: 4m

1: -15 Cooldown
2: Melee attacks interrupts ability but the enemy takes 200% + (0.005% * Spirit damage) melee damage
5: +100% Base Distance

Bounty hunt
Put a bounty on the selected enemy hero. The enemy receives bonus damage from Dalu. Ally that killed the marked hero receives bonus gold. Assists give half of the bounty. Gold from assists spread half of the gold evenly. Bounty ends only if target dies or Dalu casts ability on another enemy.

(Example: 3 Heroes participated in combat. 1 receives full bounty gold (+250) and 2 receive share half of bounty gold (125/2 = 63 rounded up)

Cooldown: 85, Bonus damage: 5 + (0.002 * Spirit damage)%, Bonus Gold: 250 + (1 * Spirit damage), Assist Gold: 125 * (0.5 * Spirit damage)

1: -10 Cooldown
2: +5% Base Bonus Damage
5: Base Bonus Gold increased to 550

Base stats:

Dps: 63
Base Ammo: 36 (+0.6 * Spirit damage)
Base Melee dmg: 70

Base Bullet Damage: 4.7
Base Bullet per Second: 13.4
Base Heavy Melee: 130
(AK47 Optional for Comparison)

Dps: 63
Base Ammo: 36 (+0.6 * Spirit damage)
Base Melee dmg: 70

Base Bullet Damage: 9.4
Base Bullet per Second: 6.7
Base Heavy Melee: 130

Base Max Health: 550
Base Health Regen: 2
Base Bullet Resist: +5%
Base Spirit Resist: -5%
Base Move Speed: 7.5 m/s
Base Sprint Speed: 0 m/s
Base Stamina: 3

Each power increase grants:
+ 0.37 Base Bullet Damage
+ 3.4 Base Melee Damage
+ 38 Base Health
+ 0.03 Base Bullet per Second
How long have you been calculating his characteristics?
How long have you been calculating his characteristics?
I wanted him to be weak at start, scale greatly into mid-late game, and heavily dependent on aim. He does not have much mobility as Wraith and Vindicta, so I took his base stats something in between. Overall, all numbers just for reference.