Cursor capture bug in fullscreen with 2 monitors (Potentially a Source 2 issue)


New member
I've been having issues keeping my cursor in a frame in the game while using abilities that use particle effects. this issue seems to be lessened when turn down the graphical demands of the game. however, this issue is annoying because this issue is accompanied by intense frame drops when it occurs causing a second or so of the game to not display. This issue has caused a decent amount of missed shots. I would like to take note that this issue also exists inside of Counter-Strike 2 and S&box. This is interesting because this persists across 2 separate source engine 2 games, one by Valve and the other by Face Punch studios. The one current source 2 release that I can currently think of that does not have this issue is the flatscreen workshop mod for Half-life Alyx. I would like to suggest that this issue is on the engine side and has to do with source 2's fullscreen AND windowed borderless tools.

However, my main issue with my own theory is that it can be triggered by visual clutter as well. I won't be providing a matching ID with this report as I've not properly tested every visual effect that can trigger these issues or if it's a threshold of visual effects that is triggering these instances and that's why I notice this issue more when activating my own effects.

If and when I test this bug and update this post I'll also include documentation of the same issue in Counter Strike 2 and S&B box if I get back into the playtest. Mainly just to examine similarity in the cursor capture system failing across source 2 titles. If a dev sees this post please include a list of settings you want me to use to test this issue, and maybe a more narrow pool of heroes to test on.