Crash & inability to launch game 'pak01.vpk is corrupt'


New member
Match ID: 1149695
Real time: 01:17 GMT+2
Match Time: 0:25

Launched the game today, did the tutorial and my first game, no issues.
Loading into second game, one of the enemy team disconnected, then re-connected/or something happened, then the game started and on the railing I got told my package is corrupt.
Trying to launch the game again, I got stuck on 'Downloading content 0%' forever, then I tried verifying files, which got stuck at 0% as well.

I managed to fix it by deleting download cache and then disabling steam cloud, which let me verify integrity and get back into the game.
i am also getting this bug. i reinstalled my game if it crashes again i will try deleting download cache and im going to disable steam cloud right now.
Getting this bug pretty much on a daily basis, I've found if I force close steam from task manager after the crash, but before attempting to launch the game, after relaunching it lets me into the game fine.

Problem is the error keeps happening every 2-4 games, which has occasionally caused tempbans due to "abandoning" games.
I have this happening every day, and the steam client takes enough tries to relaunch the game (stuck at 0% downloading) that I get an abandon and temp ban every time. Would be nice to extend the auto-abandon timer to account for this bug.
I have got this bug twice in 50 hours. I dont know what causes it. is there a way to get back into the game if it happens? I need to uninstall and reinstall and by that time I abandon the game and I fear I will be banned from playtest if this continues.
This bug happens for me almost every time I try to start a match for the past week or so. My solution has been close the game, close Steam entirely, reopen steam, restart the game (which usually prompts an update of some kind), and then 'rejoin' match.
This always puts me at the pregame/team rooftop area, and then I start the match as usual with all the other players. I have never encountered this error mid-match and despite having to 'rejoin', it doesn't seem like I ever started a game to begin with.
I also got this error twice and got a temp-ban on my second game which kind of sucks when you aren't sure what the issue is.

The team should provide a workaround that works 100% so that we can prevent this unnecessary lockout.