Crash a few minutes into a private bot match


New member
Played few mins into a private bot match before the game crashed. I'm not sure why. It won't let me upload the crash dump, but these were the last few console entries.
Console History (reversed)

748(442.091399):  Failed loading resource "sounds/gameplay/melee/impact_target_04.vsnd_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
747(398.992975):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0 'server'] Selecting sto#161 ( as backup #1 (Ping = 56 = 56+0+0 (front+interior+remote).  Rank=3 Score=61)
746(398.992944):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0 'server'] Switched primary to ams#117 ( (Ping = 42 = 22+20+0 (front+interior+remote).  Rank=1 Score=44  Migration target.) from ams#47 ( (Ping = 42 = 22+20+0 (front+interior+remote).  Rank=2 Score=44  Requested migration.)
745(398.968224):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0 'server'] Requesting session from ams#117 (  Ping = 42 = 22+20 (front+back).  Rank=1 Score=44
744(398.867874):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0 'server'] Started migration to ams#117 ( at request of current primary ams#47 (
743(398.767698):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0 'server'] Received request to migrate to from ams#47 (
742(300.003944):  Sent vprof lite summary to server.  50047 frames, 28 detailed line items
741(291.308868):  **** Panel ComponentOfList has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout
740(291.306158):  **** Panel ComponentOfList has fill-parent-flow for width, but isn't in a flowing right layout
739(288.687087):  Cannot apply Ragdoll impulse, body part root_motion is not physicalized
738(209.587662):  17668:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 37 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(22400.000000 0.000000 0.000000)
737(208.703227):  17667:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -5 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(4571.424805 -21942.861328 0.000000)
736(116.226968):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#0/worldent, server hit #1413/npc_trooper
735(116.144451):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#1298/npc_trooper_boss, server hit #1413/npc_trooper
734(116.075154):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#0/worldent, server hit #1413/npc_trooper
733(114.458464):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#0/worldent, server hit #1413/npc_trooper
732(114.225461):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#1506/npc_trooper, server hit #1298/npc_trooper_boss
731(114.160698):  Bullet Hit Mismatch: client hit entity#1506/npc_trooper, server hit #1298/npc_trooper_boss
730(93.727859):  VProfLite started.
729(83.505719):  Recv msg 9196 (k_EMsgClientToGCFindHeroBuildsResponse), 38011 bytes
728(83.263162):  Send msg 9195 (k_EMsgClientToGCFindHeroBuilds), 19 bytes
727(83.000668):  CQ enabled, using client-controlled JIT async send mode
726(82.912262):  CL:  Signon traffic "server":  incoming 59.888 KB [16 pkts], outgoing 2.020 KB [323 pkts]
725(82.912229):  server @ =[A:1:1955246096:29647]:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
724(81.701570):  ApplyOverrides_R: failed to find field 'm_flCycle' in class 'C_CitadelPlayerPawn'
723(81.685571):  Pathing: Loaded baked data file (maps\street_test.sapaths).
722(81.036740):  Reverb: Loaded baked data file (maps\street_test.sareverb).
721(80.909726):  Created physics for street_test
720(80.884253):  Receiving 24.6K non-incremental update from server
719(80.666992):  CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
718(80.666989):  Host activate: Remote Connect (=[A:1:1955246096:29647])
717(80.666964):  CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
716(80.666608):  HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
715(80.666607):  HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
714(80.666601):  CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
713(80.665062):  CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
712(77.472420):  CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 436.415835ms
711(75.884994):  Failed loading resource "particles/debug.vpcf_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
710(75.835730):  Failed loading resource "materials/skybox/tests/src/light_test_sky_sunset.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
709(75.719820):  CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 17.696 msec
708(75.717513):  Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover
707(75.715545):  Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode
706(75.701415):  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
705(75.701404):  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
704(75.618966):  Server info: m_nServerCount:3 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:1955246096:29647]
703(75.608439):  ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000237 seconds
702(75.607989):  ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
701(75.606931):  CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
700(75.513536):  CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
699(75.512837):  Server Number: 3
698(75.512836):  Build: 10101 (revision 8991324)
697(75.512833):  Players: 1 (1 bots) / 33 humans
696(75.512831):  Map: "street_test"
695(75.512825):  Game: "Deadlock"
694(75.286362):  CL:  connection to '=[A:1:1955246096:29647]' already started
693(75.286356):  CL:  CNetworkGameClient already exists for connection to '=[A:1:1955246096:29647]'
692(75.279540):  SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [4] addons []
691(75.279534):  CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
690(75.279378):  CL:  Permit INetchannel::Transmit()
689(75.279373):  CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( levelload : success )
688(75.246130):  SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [4] addons []
687(75.246126):  CL:  CLoopModeRemoteConnect::OnClientFrameSimulate switching to "levelload" loopmode with addons: 
686(75.246088):  CL:  Suppress INetchannel::Transmit() in loopmode( remoteconnect )
685(75.246084):  CL:  Connected to '=[A:1:1955246096:29647]'
684(75.245896):  Associating NetChan server @ =[A:1:1955246096:29647] (=[A:1:1955246096:29647]) with Steam Net Connection handle #580197687 (userdata 0)
683(75.245826):  Received S2C_CONNECTION from =[A:1:1955246096:29647] [addons:'']
682(75.195996):  Sending C2S_CONNECT [47 protocol 0 auth 3] to =[A:1:1955246096:29647]
681(75.195824):  Received S2C_CHALLENGE [0 auth 3] from =[A:1:1955246096:29647]
680(75.137515):  Sending connect to =[A:1:1955246096:29647]
679(75.134727):  DualWifi not detected.  We won't try again.  Didn't find any Dual-Wifi-capable Wifi adapters
678(75.132930):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0] connected
677(74.918469):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0] Selecting sto#161 ( as backup #1 (Ping = 52 = 52+0+0 (front+interior+remote).  Rank=2 Score=57)
676(74.863443):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0] Requesting session from sto#161 (  Ping = 52 = 52+0 (front+back).  Rank=2 Score=72
675(74.863422):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0] Selecting ams#47 ( as primary.  (Ping = 45 = 25+20+0 (front+interior+remote).  Rank=1 Score=47)
674(74.838775):  [#580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0] Requesting session from ams#47 (  Ping = 45 = 25+20 (front+back).  Rank=1 Score=61
673(74.786575):  Created poll group for socket 'client'
672(74.786528):  Opened Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to =[A:1:1955246096:29647], connection #580197687 SDR server steamid:90199327398080528 vport 0
671(74.786344):  CloseSteamNetConnection handle #1915404987 (userdata -1)
670(74.786340):  Steam Net connection #1915404987 pipe 'Licky' closed by peer, reason 2055: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE