Columbamancy/Spooky Sorghum/“Boo”et, etc.

Tier 2 Active Vitality Item

Some stats, probably some sprint speed, and other “utility” stats, as a utility item, like stamina regeneration and slow resistance.

Active: Summon a grouping of spectral pigeons (like the ones around the map and on the main menu) with a scattering of things ghost birds like.

This would function as a small alert-based AoE. When an enemy came near/into said group of birds, they would be scattered, giving temporary vision of said enemy to whoever (or the entire team of whoever) summoned the birds. Pretty long cooldown at base for the item, at least 2-3 minutes, and the base duration would likely be 60-90 seconds to allow for a decent amount of security for one area at a time (per player). Think the tops of staircases, ropes, tight hallways, specific popular jump pads, etc.

Exists to function as a warning for rotations, can be placed in spots that are popular rollouts. But also is single use, once the birds are scattered, its effect is done, just like removing a regular ward in any other moba.